[I'm NEW] Just A Bit About Me

bae815 Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Brittney and I am 21 years old. My friend told me about this website yesterday. She has it as an application on her cell phone but figured that I could use it online (since my phone doesn't have applications). So I found it this morning and have been on all day. My husband and I just got married May 2010 and are renovating our first home. We would like to get pregnant either December 2011 or January 2012. That means that the extra weight I have needs to go before then. I would rather gain 20-30 pregnancy pounds while weighing 130 pre-pregnancy, not 171 pounds. This is the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life. I have made resolutions and set goals for myself to lose 20 - 30 pounds before, but I just get bored and discouraged and never followed through. I am definitely motivated now and cannot wait to shed these pounds and finally love the way I look (with and without clothes on)! I have a hard time talking to my husband about my weight loss goals and progress because he loves the way I look now and tells me that I don't need to lose any weight. This means that I will be posting journals often looking to encourage and be encouraged by those with the same goals as myself! To be honest, I think I am technically considered "overweight" for my height and that is a title that I would like to get rid as quickly as possible. I have read that the healthiest way to lose weight is via one pound per week, but if I can I would love to lose two pounds per week. I AM going to go from 171 lbs - 130 lbs by the end of 2011. That's that. --- January 5th 2011


  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    I gained 60 pounds when I was pregnant and still have 40 to lose. When you do get pregnant, make sure you watch what you eat. I never used to have to worry about what I ate, I never gained weight, was always around 130. So I thought when I was pregnant I could eat what I wanted. That was a mistake. I just started this today as well and I'm hoping to lose my baby weigth. Which, btw is 2 years old.
    Good Luck to you!
  • Welcome! You're in the right place and yes... MFP is soooo addicting!
  • msdebg
    msdebg Posts: 33 Member
    You have come to the right place, the support is a really big help!
  • bae815
    bae815 Posts: 4
    I am not quite sure how the friend aspect of this website goes. I am used to facebook and I normally just add people that I have known for a long time, or at least have met and talked with briefly. Since I have not actually met anyone on this site (none of my friends are on) I don't know if it seems "creepy" to add people as friends or not...
  • missm83
    missm83 Posts: 12 Member
    hello all :) , i need to get healthy and happy....just quit smoking im half way there :)
  • Hello!
    I gained 60 pounds when I was pregnant and still have 40 to lose. When you do get pregnant, make sure you watch what you eat. I never used to have to worry about what I ate, I never gained weight, was always around 130. So I thought when I was pregnant I could eat what I wanted. That was a mistake. I just started this today as well and I'm hoping to lose my baby weigth. Which, btw is 2 years old.
    Good Luck to you!

    Yeah, no one tells you to watch how much you eat while pregnant....they all just tell you that you're eating for 2!
    And that resulted in me having 40-50 pounds to lose, still ( my "baby" is also 2) :grumble:
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