i was frustrated at first, but i'm much better now

i just finished logging for day 3 of my lifestyle change. i must say that at first i was really frustrated, but i feel so much better today and am looking forword to tomorrow.


  • alyssa83202
    I think logging my food and exercise has really helped me stay on track! It's great to have everything laid out in front of you so you don't have to guess if you've stayed within your goals or not!
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    I think logging my food and exercise has really helped me stay on track! It's great to have everything laid out in front of you so you don't have to guess if you've stayed within your goals or not!

    This! I have found that imagining what I'm eating, and actually logging it makes a HUGE difference. Sometimes things are much less than I anticipated, and sometimes when I have a cheat day, I just need to see exactly what I did to myself. My motto, which I am in process of getting back to, it to be honest. Log EVERYTHING. Even if you know it will put you 1,000 over for the day, just do it. Don't break the habit. That is what I did, and now I finally feel like I'm getting back on track.

    Good luck!! This community is awesome, so stick around!
  • jennluvsstyle
    i am in love with this community! u are all so encouraging and it's nice to hear "u can do it" from ppl that are actually going thru it to instead of ppl that have no clue what it's like to be overweight and unhappy with yourself. thank u everyone