Good Food 4 Guys?

Maybe this is a dumb question, but does anyone know any foods that are specifically better for men? Men's Health magazine has been a helpful read but I was just curious if anyone has any additional foods to suggest.

Also, something with "minimal" preparation would be ideal, as I'm often traveling up to 60-70% of my week.. So, maybe even some high protein-low carb (nocarb) ideas would be welcomed.

Thanks Guys (and gals!)

And PS* What vitamins do you guys take? Multi? C? Just curious! Thanks a lot! I really appreciate any advice :glasses:


  • escobar9300
    escobar9300 Posts: 15 Member
    When Ive lost weight in the past I just stayed far away from fast food and saturated fats. Right now I'm keeping it to simple things, turkey sandwiches on whole wheat, granola bars, cottage cheese, lots of water and staying away from red meats as much as possible, and keeping to poultry, lean ham, things like that. Also, fish oil pills work WONDERS! I take two fish oil pils, one garlic pill and one multi vitamin in the morning. Good for your heart and blood pressure, and fish oil pills help to increase calorie burn by 5-10%. Good luck!
  • bstrength85
    bstrength85 Posts: 23 Member

    Thanks man, I really appreciate it! Fish oil it is!

    Thanks a bazillion ( or however much it is that we owe china)