Moms who are breast feeding

Any moms out there who are breast feeding how many calories are you taking in a day? I'm trying to find my limit so I can continue to produce enough milk and keep losing weight. I've mainly been pumping instead of direct feed. So any advice would be great thank you.


  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    While I was losing (and I lost consistently) I consumed at least 1700 calories a day and often more than this on days that I exercised. Breastfeeding exclusively burns about 500 calories a day.
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    Hi Skinny,

    You need to have an extra 300-500 calories if you are b/f, and shouldn't be below 1800 calories minimum.

    I don't know how much you want to loose but it's hard enough as a new mother, feeling under increasing pressure to be a yummy mummy.
    You need to relax and try to enjoy your baby, as stressing out won't help the milk flow. I personally found I was starving when I b/f and just ate a reasonably healthy diet, drank plenty of liquids and tried to get out every day pushing the buggy, and I was back at my pre pregnancy weight within a few months (9 months on 9 months off is quite good advice I think)!

    Good luck

  • skinnyclothes
    I haven't really been counting my calories just eating healthy and exercising. I actually am trying to get down past my pre preg weight (I am on the heavy side and was before I got pg) Thanks ladies for the advise. I do plan to go out more in the stroller when the weather warms up some. Its not that cold just she had some health problems when she was born so I have to be extra careful. I've been using my wii fit and work out dvds. If you can friend me that would be great I could use as much advise as possible especially working out while bf. Thank you
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    sent you request