New and Motivated

I am new to MFP. I just got an EVO phone and was looking through the weight loss aps and this seemed like the best one, so here I am.

I have struggled with weightloss for a while. 7 years ago I lost 40 lbs doing a points counting program. After I had my daughter, I have struggled with getting rid of the weight. She is 5.5 now and its time to get rid of the weight. I wanted something free this time to help me. I am very active - I run, I ride my bike (at a very competative speed), and I ski. I am tired of lugging all of this extra weight around. Additionally, my DH and I ride together, and he is going to be racing this year. If I expect to keep up with him, I have to do something. Not to mention, I have a whole new wardrobe that I would like to get back in!

Current weight: 175.5
Goal weight: 140
Goal date:5/30/11