
Hi, my name is Laura Weeks and I just started using on Tuesday and I have already recommended it to my friends. It is so easy to follow and I like that I can see what I am putting in my mouth and see where my weaknesses are. I am trying to lose over a 100lbs and will really need the support. I have also started excercising and my goal is excercise at least 4xs a week. So far so good. I am looking forward to meeting people and hearing success stories.


  • BughaBear
    BughaBear Posts: 201
    Welcome yes this place id great I got some of my friends to join also from all over the place its nice to be able to motivate people even if we dont live in the same state let alont country. Glad ur likin it and findin motivation here. I had almost 100lbs to lose but have lost 11 so far since Nov. Wish u the best on ur journey!!
  • 2LiveAgain
    Hi and welcome to MFP!! I don't have a success story, YET, I just started in Dec. so I am pretty new as well, but I love this site! Everyone is really supportive and it really helps a lot along with the food and exercise diary. You can add me if you'd like and we can support and encourage each other! Good luck with your journey, you've taken a huge first step by joining MFP! Check out the success stories if you haven't already, they will knock your socks off!!!