Tendonitis (Tennis Elbow/Carpal Tunnel)

muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay - help!

My bf got me a tennis racket for my bday last summer and a door hanging resistence band thingy. Well, apparently I over did it with the tennis racket and injured a tendon in my shoulder, which travels down to my elbow and further to the palm of my wrist & palm. So, I put down the racket and haven't touched the bands.

Until yesterday.
I did what I thought was some pretty light resistence work - AFTER a great cardio so everything was nice and warm and loose - and last night and this morning, that tendon has apparently flared up big time. I haven't felt any pain for a couple of months which is why I figured it was safe to use my bands again.

Of course, now it also hurts to type and it'll be days if not a couple of weeks before the pain ceases again.

Anyone have ANY suggestions on how I can get an upper body workout (after this settles down again!) without repeatedly injuring myself, possibly causing more damage? Going to PT or a doctor isn't an option for me, unfortunately so ... anything pertaining to that won't do much at the moment. Believe me, if I could, I would. This has officially hit the "this is getting REALLY old" status.



  • Treadly
    Treadly Posts: 17
    Take Ibprofen and rest the injured area at least a week. Try stretching and work out lightly. This way you will have more flexability and you can slowly condition your shoulder for more intense activity. The key is stretching and proper technique. It will all work out for you with patience!
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    I work in manufacturing, and had CTS for which I eventually needed surgery. If you Google Physiotherapy for tennis elbow, there will be many sites that give you exercises you can do to heal more naturally. Believe me, surgery should be your last option, and things like squeezing a ball (for tennis elbow) and gently stretching your fingers back until you feel a gentle stretch in your wrist (for CTS) will be far better for you.
    Good luck
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    well, it turns out I could be rather wrong and instead of tendonitis (although the ache feels much like it), it could be something going on in my neck.

    after researching tendonitis all over the place (CTS, elbow & rotator cuff), the descriptive pain and areas don't match up. made my way to a chiropractic site and it broke down the various pain regions of the C4-C8 vertabrae... and guess what... fits.... and it's nerves rather than tendons, by the looks of it.

    *really* can't afford a chiro at the moment... (and I've already taken ibu this morning!)... so I may hang out on my massage pillow for a little bit and then do my zumba and perhaps some yoga. I really don't know what I did on the bands yesterday but I'm sure that what aggrevated everything (and of course, I could be wrong no matter how sure I am!).
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