Hi Everyone!

I am new to this site and have already enjoyed it! My name is Michelle and I have two beautiful children who keep me busy and on my toes. I have the best and most caring husband in the world as well. We are actually highschool sweet hearts and that has been a while for us : ) We are a pretty active family who enjoy any activity that includes the outdoors. We travel to our beach home a lot in the summer months and really enjoy surronding ourselves with family and friends!

I gained a tremendous amount of weight with my daughter Claire who is now 15 months. Before getting pregnant with her I was completley satisfied with my body. I felt wonderful and was so pleased at all the weight I lost. I thought it was for good but then of course gained it all back with the pregnancy and then some. My daughter is 15 months old and I still have not lost the weight. I have reaced my rock bottom I suppose. While I was in the fitting room at Macy's trying on some clothing for the holidays. That is when I had my moment of realization. "Oh my god, am I really this big." It was a total eye opener because of course I knew I had gained a lot of weight but always thought it would come off eventually. Well, it is not just magically coming off and I need to become healthier for the family and of course myself. I was always active and went to the gym a lot but NEVER really watched what I ate. I am now very aware what I put in my mouth now and have already seen improvements!

My goal is to loose 50 pounds by Aug 13th. My sister in law will be getting married then and I do not want to be teh fat bridesmaide : ( It is on the beach as well so no hiding the extra pounds. This site has been a awesome tool for me and I hope to find happiness and success on my weight loss journey : )

