Any other insulin-reisitant/pre-diabetics out there?

I find out in the fall that I am insulin resistant, which basically means I have pre-diabeties. I take metformin twice a day, and am trying to focus on weight loss to help me get off the drugs. The holiday season was hard, but I am back on the wagon this week. I have cut out sugary foods, breads, pasta, grain, etc. and am watching the glycemic index of the food I eat. I am also trying to keep under 1600 calories a day and be more active.
I am craving carbs and sugar so bad right now!
Anybody else with me? What do you eat? I'm eating a lot of celery! LOL! Today I've have celery and peanut butter, yesterday celery and tuna, tomorrow celery and cream cheese! LOL!


  • SyKena
    SyKena Posts: 15 Member
    I too am on metformin for pre-diabetes and also PCOS....and I always crave potatoes and pasta LOL...but this year I decided to make the change for myself.... I'm eating a lot of eggs, cheese (love laughing cow), brocolli, carrots and fruits....seems like the best foods are carbs lol!! Good luck to you!!
  • Godsflower1789
    yep! lots of us!
    I just recently made the connection between my diet and insullin resistance. went on a sugar free diet for two weeks, and have been cutting down ever since. Really amazing when you find out that sugar is as addictive as drugs.
    but managing your weight and diet will help. it's helped me so much!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    There are many many of us :) Welcome to the site!
  • MandyTG
    MandyTG Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's good to know I'm not alone.
    I have been eating lots of eggs, beans and also soups, as long as they have no rice, pasta or corn.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Yes, I am pre-diabetic and my partner is (was) full-blown. He is now off his medications due to massive lifestyle changes and neither of us are showing any diabetes symptoms right now or for the last 6 months. His damaged nerves are very slowly (extremely slowly) regenerating, but that's better than deteriorating!

    As for the carb cravings, we didn't cut out all carbs. However, we limit them to whole grain foods (brown rice, whole grain pasta/bread) and rare potatoes. We don't eat anything with sugar added, so that cuts out most breads although we found Nature's Own Sugar Free bread is good. We use Stevia to sweeten drinks and for some baking. Fruit is an option for sweets, when craving them. Just use them sparingly.

    The longer you go without eating artificially sweetened foods and processed carbs, the less you'll crave them.

    Good luck!
  • DawniesLife
    I also am insulin-resistant (along with having PCOS). I tried Metformin for a bit, but it made me sick, so my doctors took me off of it (this was two years ago now), and pretty much told me that it was just a matter of time before I developed diabetes. That was when I had health insurance. Now two years later, I have no health insurance, so I am just trying to make a lifestyle change, eat better, lose weight, and hope that helps. My mother was pre diabetic until she had lost a great deal of weight and then she kept the weight off and hasn't had any problems since, so I am trying to control mine with diet and exercise.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Insulin resistant here too... at least I am sure I still am since I weigh more than when I got the diagnosis. :( I don't have a doctor following it except for my ob/gyn who is prescribing metformin (insurance won't pay for a dr visit to a pcp until September... I hate my insurance!). Anyway.... I'm just trying to up the protein (or decrease the carbs, however you want to look at it) a bit and make better food choices and exercise more. I don't know what else to do! Trying *really* hard not to get diabetes (or at least not for a couple more decades... I don't know of a single person in my family on either side who hasn't eventually developed it so I am pretty sure I will at some point too) :(
  • fsnorkin
    I was also diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes last August. It has been a roller coaster trying to find medication that doesn't make me sick, brings my numbers down and gives me energy to exercise. I have hit plenty of walls but keep coming back fighting. I met with doctor today and I think we have finally found the right mix of medications, diet and exercise. Taking a day at a time and listening to my body has worked the best for me - I make sure I don't beat my self up if my body has a day here and there it doesn't cooperate with me and do what I can. I have also tried hard to make sure I am choosing whole grain carbs and counting them carefully rather than eliminate them completely. One can't live on celery alone.......LOL Good luck!
  • lilsweetslol
    lilsweetslol Posts: 68 Member
    I also was diagnosed with PCOS last fall after not having aunt flo for 5 months and amongst the other icky symptoms that come with PCOS..
    i have tried to lose the weight ( like they told me to) i have only been able to drop 11 pounds in three months from eatin 1200 calories and working out 6 days a week. however I still have 40 pounds to lose that i've gained from having PCOS.
    My OB/GYN prescribed me metformin to take to regulate my cycles and maybe help with the weight loss. I'm going to start it tomorrow and i'm really nervous after reading all the side effects.. uggghhh.
    i'm so desperate to lose this weight and i've tried everything. Mind you i've never struggled with my weight , i've always been a size 5, now I cant get out of size 14 : (
    Anyhoo i sure hope this metformin thing works, my husband and I would like to try and start having a family next year.
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237

    Of course, consult your physicians about this if you have medical problems - but as far as I'm aware plenty of Diabetics and Epilepsy patients use this diet. Many people and body builders also use it to lose weight.