The Treadmill Lurkers



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I work out at LA Fitness, too. This past week has sucked mucho w/ all the new peeps (although i'm glad people are trying to be healthy). I use the treadmill 3 times a week and of course, they've all been full.

    in every local LA Fitness I've been to this week, we've created a line. first one in line gets the next available.

    If i saw someone jump from one machine onto another just bc it was open...especially when i know they've seen me waiting forever (10 min is forever in ferret time) i'd be hella pissed.

    I go to LA Fitness too and it's been crazy there any time after 4:00.

    I used to live in Los Angeles and no matter what time of day it was, it was ALWAYS packed. Always a line for the treadmills...and if someone cut in front of me, you bet your *kitten* I'd say something to them. And when there's four people in line, you'd also better be sticking to the 30 minute cadio rule. Good thing most machines were set to 30 minute maximums.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I agree that everyone should stick to the time limit rules for cardio equipment (if it's busy).

    My friend actually got really pissed at a girl who had been running for over an hour on the treadmill during primetime. They had a few words, it was quite funny. The girl running had been on the machine for more than double the time allowed and she was looking at my friend like she was the one with the problem.

    I am definately not one of those people who think the rules dont apply to me, I even talked to the manager about it. 20 minutes on on any cardio machine doesnt burn mch more than 250 cals, and that is at top speeds. At national gyms ( la fitness, life time, etc. ) there should not be time limits. Or, thats just what I think.
  • mr_ashley
    I belonged to a gym for a long, long time, either through University affiliation or when i started having to pay for it on my own when I graduated. I was the only one in my household that used it, and the fees went to over 80.00 per month. We had to kill the membership. I do miss the variety of machines that are available, but now I have some dumbells at home (not referring to family), and I'm on my bike trainer several times per week, so the home gym is a nice refuge now.

    Not sure I'll ever belong to a gym again for the reasons you all mentioned: fees, crowds in different times of the year, weird rules like 20 minutes on cardio, and nothing but a bunch of meatheads working out trying to impress each other. Why oh why did the rest of my gender have to harrass women so much that they won't work out with us anymore? Women are so much better to DISCRETELY look at than men. Just my opinion.... :D
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    I work out at LA Fitness, too. This past week has sucked mucho w/ all the new peeps (although i'm glad people are trying to be healthy). I use the treadmill 3 times a week and of course, they've all been full.

    in every local LA Fitness I've been to this week, we've created a line. first one in line gets the next available.

    If i saw someone jump from one machine onto another just bc it was open...especially when i know they've seen me waiting forever (10 min is forever in ferret time) i'd be hella pissed.

    I go to LA Fitness too and it's been crazy there any time after 4:00.

    I used to live in Los Angeles and no matter what time of day it was, it was ALWAYS packed. Always a line for the treadmills...and if someone cut in front of me, you bet your *kitten* I'd say something to them. And when there's four people in line, you'd also better be sticking to the 30 minute cadio rule. Good thing most machines were set to 30 minute maximums.
    yeah...i'm in Orange County and it's no better here
  • juliebrc1
    i thought i was the only on who lip sings to dirty rap songs on the elliptical.. Sometimes i dance too !!
    Aww crap. I thought the cute girl on the treadmill mouthing she wanted to do me was serious. sad2.gif

    You made me LOL right now RJ!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    I agree that everyone should stick to the time limit rules for cardio equipment (if it's busy).

    My friend actually got really pissed at a girl who had been running for over an hour on the treadmill during primetime. They had a few words, it was quite funny. The girl running had been on the machine for more than double the time allowed and she was looking at my friend like she was the one with the problem.

    Usually people that habitually skirt the time limit rules throw a towel over the display so it's harder to call them out. :-/
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    I go to my local Y and there are no time limits on the machines. Thank GOD! It's a little busier right now b/c of the resolutioners but like everyone else is saying, they'll be gone by the end of February.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I agree and disagree. Most gyms have a 30 min rule and I always read it to mean 30 on one machine, so if you switch from one cardio machine to another your time starts over. So, I don't see how the 30 mins rule is enforcable. Though, this time of the year causing even the regulars to become lurkers. It is really frustrating because we know that we will be there 2 months from now. But like all the other post, this crazy time will come to an end really soon and then it will be back to the point when you can tie up 3 machine if you like. :wink: Which is said, because a lot of people pay a monthly membership at gyms and don't even go back. Are they that rich? I'd take the donation and promise to spend it wisely. :laugh:
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    I still haven't hit the gym this year and I am seriously dreading it, especially spinning classes. I'll have to be careful about giving the resolutioners that take my bike filthy looks as this time last year I was a resolutioner too :)
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I agree that everyone should stick to the time limit rules for cardio equipment (if it's busy).

    My friend actually got really pissed at a girl who had been running for over an hour on the treadmill during primetime. They had a few words, it was quite funny. The girl running had been on the machine for more than double the time allowed and she was looking at my friend like she was the one with the problem.

    I am definately not one of those people who think the rules dont apply to me, I even talked to the manager about it. 20 minutes on on any cardio machine doesnt burn mch more than 250 cals, and that is at top speeds. At national gyms ( la fitness, life time, etc. ) there should not be time limits. Or, thats just what I think.
    But why? So the people who get there earlier can use the machine as long as they want and every one else is assed out? I'm taking the other guy's side on this. You knew he was waiting and you cut. I would of told you "Sorry. I was USING it first"
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Just an observation so don't flame me, but I think I'd have to throw a flag on the play for trying to 'reserve' a machine by putting your stuff on it when you weren't even done wiping off your previous machine ... and that I might add, were over the time limit on. (I do totally agree with you tho that a 20 min limit is lame!)

    I've been an active member of my current gym for almost 15 yrs ... and 8 yrs at the one before that. I've seen just about everything including the annual January new member surge. It'll pass, and quickly. In the meantime, can't we all just get along? :flowerforyou:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just quit the YMCA because of the crowds and
    the younger guys (I am older) hogging the
    weight machines. :frown: We bought a Wii Fit and now
    I do my exercising at home. :bigsmile:
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    LURKER: (points to sign on wall that says 20 minute limit to cardio machines when busy) “see!?!?!?!?”

    Sorry, but he wins here. Normally you were in the right since you put your stuff down but gym rules outweigh etiquette.

    Side note, glad my gym isn't very busy (new member as of Dec 31) and doesn't have time limits since I go for 55 min on the elip daily. The girl who took me on a tour actually said you will never see the cardio machines fully busy so yay for me.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I agree that everyone should stick to the time limit rules for cardio equipment (if it's busy).

    My friend actually got really pissed at a girl who had been running for over an hour on the treadmill during primetime. They had a few words, it was quite funny. The girl running had been on the machine for more than double the time allowed and she was looking at my friend like she was the one with the problem.

    I am definately not one of those people who think the rules dont apply to me, I even talked to the manager about it. 20 minutes on on any cardio machine doesnt burn mch more than 250 cals, and that is at top speeds. At national gyms ( la fitness, life time, etc. ) there should not be time limits. Or, thats just what I think.
    But why? So the people who get there earlier can use the machine as long as they want and every one else is assed out? I'm taking the other guy's side on this. You knew he was waiting and you cut. I would of told you "Sorry. I was USING it first"

    I definately did not cut. There were other treadmills open, but he didnt want to use the others, he wanted that specific one. In that case, you snooze you lose. the treadmill was open, and I got on it. I pay each month too. there was no line, or waiting section filled with people.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    I agree that everyone should stick to the time limit rules for cardio equipment (if it's busy).

    My friend actually got really pissed at a girl who had been running for over an hour on the treadmill during primetime. They had a few words, it was quite funny. The girl running had been on the machine for more than double the time allowed and she was looking at my friend like she was the one with the problem.

    I am definately not one of those people who think the rules dont apply to me, I even talked to the manager about it. 20 minutes on on any cardio machine doesnt burn mch more than 250 cals, and that is at top speeds. At national gyms ( la fitness, life time, etc. ) there should not be time limits. Or, thats just what I think.
    But why? So the people who get there earlier can use the machine as long as they want and every one else is assed out? I'm taking the other guy's side on this. You knew he was waiting and you cut. I would of told you "Sorry. I was USING it first"

    I definately did not cut. There were other treadmills open, but he didnt want to use the others, he wanted that specific one. In that case, you snooze you lose. the treadmill was open, and I got on it. I pay each month too. there was no line, or waiting section filled with people.

    Normally "you snooze, you lose" is true, but in this case you mentioned lots of people "lurking" and waiting. No offence, but I wouldn't have let that slide. I'm sure you would be upset if you were waiting a while for a piece of equipment and someone just jumped off one machine and onto another...leaving you waiting even longer.

    For me, I know when I am ready to workout...I am ready to go. Any extra time waiting and I get frustrated...

    haha but no worries I am just stating my opinion! :flowerforyou:
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    i have been walking on my treadmill for the past 63 minutes (at 3.0 mph --- its my easy day) and have been surfing MFP the entire time with my Surf Shelf setup for my laptop. I am soooooo happy that we finally made the decision last month to cancel our Y membership (was a 20-minute drive one-way) and are paying the same $ amount out every month to buy a very nice new treadmill. We also have an recumbent bike from a few years back, some light handweights, a stability ball and my yoga stuff. This keeps me entertained for the winter anyways and no travel in the snow/dark or waiting on machines. Plus i would already be waaaaay over my 30-minute limit on my single machine. Its totally not worth driving all teh way there and back unless i get 30 minutes at over 6 mph plus warm up/cool down on the indoor track. For me, transferring the gym membership budget allotment to purchase my own equipment made good sense! Maybe this would work for some of you as well?
  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    I got really lucky. The village we live in subsidizes everyones gym memberships if they want to join the local club. For me, a family membership is cheaper then the YMCA was when I used to belong there and even this time of year, while annoying, isn't insurmountable and meatheads don't seem to go there.

    Although I usually spend 55 minutes on any given cardio machine, I'm just not that picky. If the treadmills are full, I'll go to an a elliptical and I KNOW that if worse comes to worse, the ancient Nordic Track in the corner is ALWAYS free and I kind of dig the rhythmic wosh, whosh it makes when you use it.
  • CarolHudson11
    I work out at LA Fitness, too. This past week has sucked mucho w/ all the new peeps (although i'm glad people are trying to be healthy). I use the treadmill 3 times a week and of course, they've all been full.

    in every local LA Fitness I've been to this week, we've created a line. first one in line gets the next available.

    If i saw someone jump from one machine onto another just bc it was open...especially when i know they've seen me waiting forever (10 min is forever in ferret time) i'd be hella pissed.

    I should have been more spcific. There were ( apparently to this guy ) Less desirable treadmills to use, he was waiting for a certain one. Sorry pal, the gym right now is a dog eat dog eat world! :)

    Ummm....rude! I'm one of the "newbies" your talking about (lol!), but that guy was just ridiculous. You can't have your own special machine. Run on the 1st available and be considerate of others. Geez....
  • mr_ashley
    Not to hijack the thread, but in a related note, seems like a lot of people posting on this thread have recently killed their gym memberships and are doing it at home now. Is this a real big trend, or just a trend with those of us gym rats that are just done with the high fees and inconveniences?
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I have never been a gym rat. I was a carpenter in my younger days and was in great shape. I started driving truck OTR and then quit smoking 11 years ago and have been packing on the pounds ever since. Last year I started running in my neighborhood because I couldn't afford the membership and wasn't sure I would stick with it.. I then scored a super deal on a treadmill and have been running on it ever since. Bought some exercise bands to use w/ the 10 minute workout. Next is a Bowflex Revolution and some dumbbells. Awesome deals at pawnshops and PIAS. Check out