Not losing

srindal Posts: 33
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been under my calorie goal every day and have also worked out everyday at the gym, but I haven't lost a pound! It's been almost two weeks and i'm getting really discouraged. I know I should be drinking more water, but it seems unlikely that just not drinking enough H2O would set you back that much. I'm not expecting to be dropping TONS but SOMETHING would be nice. And I know that if you go from not working out at all to working out 5x a week a lot will be muscle. But still....Any suggestions? Maybe i'm just impatient, which is a huge possibility. :-)


  • grace914
    grace914 Posts: 139 Member
    What about your measurements? Do you feel like your clothes are getting bigger? Please don't be discouraged. You didn’t gain all your weight in 2 weeks and you’re not going to lose it all in 2 weeks. Be proud what you’re doing!
  • Mika71
    Mika71 Posts: 2
    I TOTALLY feel your pain!! I have been working out for 2 years 4-6 times a week and haven't lost a pound in over 6 months!!! I guess the important thing to ask is, how do you feel? I know i feel better overall, so it seems to be worth it to keep going! I say, the alternative sucks, so we might as well at least be healthy, if not thin.
  • srindal
    srindal Posts: 33
    What about your measurements? Do you feel like your clothes are getting bigger? Please don't be discouraged. You didn’t gain all your weight in 2 weeks and you’re not going to lose it all in 2 weeks. Be proud what you’re doing!

    Well I wasn't too smart when I started 2 weeks ago and didn't take my measurements. BUT i did take them yesterday so I have them to compare with later in the game.
  • grace914 is right. You might not see it on the scale but I you will see your body changing . Stick with it...
  • Working out regularly never helps me lose weight. It's all about the calories. But you don't want to consistently be UNDER the calorie goals. The calorie goals are already a deficit from what you should be burning on a regular day. I would try to stay within 100 calories of your daily calorie goals.
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    You said you were under much under? If it's more than 100 or so under, you could be doing yourself more harm than good. If you're not eating enough for your body to maintain its regular functions, you will start to hold on to every last ounce of fat like you're starving, because your body thinks you are. A lot of people have questions about eating workout calories. Do it! MFP already has you at a calorie deficit. If you're working out and then not eating those calories back, your net calories are going to put you too much below what your body needs.
    Good luck!!
  • srindal
    srindal Posts: 33
    You said you were under much under? If it's more than 100 or so under, you could be doing yourself more harm than good. If you're not eating enough for your body to maintain its regular functions, you will start to hold on to every last ounce of fat like you're starving, because your body thinks you are. A lot of people have questions about eating workout calories. Do it! MFP already has you at a calorie deficit. If you're working out and then not eating those calories back, your net calories are going to put you too much below what your body needs.
    Good luck!!

    No i'm usually only under by 30-100 calories. RARELY more than that....if ever.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    right ladies stopped loosing?? not to worry keep up with the good eating and try a little extra exersice dont let it take over,give it a month with the extra exersice and it will start to move again i promise...
    gd luck
  • megteg
    megteg Posts: 97 Member
    In the same boat with you! But an idea...

    Are you maybe overestimating what you burn with exercise, and then making up for it when you eat?

    I'd suggest getting a heart monitor for when you work out - I've found the MFP estimates are often pretty far off what I actually burn. It takes out the guesswork.
  • srindal
    srindal Posts: 33
    In the same boat with you! But an idea...

    Are you maybe overestimating what you burn with exercise, and then making up for it when you eat?

    I'd suggest getting a heart monitor for when you work out - I've found the MFP estimates are often pretty far off what I actually burn. It takes out the guesswork.

    Yeah might be a good idea. I usually go by the lowest amount of calories burned between the equipment reading and then what MFP says.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hi. Before I started MFP I lost almost 7 bls in 8 days. was from adding lots more water to my daily intake. Good luck, you can do it. After about a week or so it just comes naturally!!!
  • Remember muscle weighs more than fat does so if you're really focusing on toning and tightening you might see little to no movement on the scale. Try incresing your cardio as well. When you work out at the gym and only focus on weights you burn calories while you're doing the exercise. When you do 20 minutes of cardio you are burning calories during and about 1 hour after your workout so you kinda get more bang for your buck.
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