Craving carbs in the AM

Hi MFP peeps- I'm trying to figure out is why I want to eat carbs in the morning when I get to work. When I say "carbs", I specifically mean a bran muffin or some kind of cereal (Kashi go lean), although greek yogurt with honey will also do (obviously it's the honey I want). In any case, I think that the most logical answer is that work is stressful and I want to eat when I get there to relieve the stress of having to be there. It is really the only time of day when I feel this way- when I get to work. Sometimes, I feel like eating once I finish a project and get ready to start another, but not necessarily carbs. It's as if my body thinks of it as a reward.

Does anyone else have this problem? How have you dealt with it? This morning I wrote in my blog and took a walk, but that's not necessarily conducive to work now is it?