Sugar in Fruit

So I ate a banana this morning, and it says 14 g of sugar!!
that put me over my sugar goal and the only other thing I ate was instant oatmeal this morning...
I remember reading something about the sugar in fruit is different then say a chocolate bar so my question is do I try to watch that or consider that "good sugar" and not count it?


  • leastwood
    sugar in fruit is good, and it adds fiber which gives you a feeling of being full.
    I eat a banana every morning for breakfast, and an apple for morning snack, and an orage or grapefruit for afternoon snack.
    The fiber and the "sweetness" keep hunger down, so I do not overeat at meals. I really helps.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i would try to leave the bananas a little but the rest is great ALSO BEWARE of dried fruit it is packed with cals grrrrrr
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yes, bananas are killer to that number at the bottom of your diary. However, you shouldn't be too concerned about sugar from natural sources like fruit and dairy. You really need to be concerned about ADDED sugars in processed foods. I would check the instant oatmeal though. They can have added sugar. Whole old fashioned oatmeal would be the healthier option, especially in the fiber department.
  • RachelHope
    I have been wondering the same thing!!
    I really like oranges but I eat one and I'm already over my sugar limit for the day. I have heard that it's different than sugar in sweets and other foods but I can't help but feel guilty when I see those red numbers under sugar at the end of the day.
  • mckara
    mckara Posts: 37 Member
    i would try to leave the bananas a little but the rest is great ALSO BEWARE of dried fruit it is packed with cals grrrrrr

    I make my own dehydrated apples to munch on? Are they safe or should I avoid. Also I am eating alot of tangerines lately, how about those?
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i dunno about your own i just ALWAYS check to packs and one day i was munching away at these dried apricots and dates and nearly choked when i saw the cal on what i just ate!! :)
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    So I ate a banana this morning, and it says 14 g of sugar!!
    that put me over my sugar goal and the only other thing I ate was instant oatmeal this morning...
    I remember reading something about the sugar in fruit is different then say a chocolate bar so my question is do I try to watch that or consider that "good sugar" and not count it?

    Sugar is sugar, there's no good or bad sugar. However, if you're going to have sugar you'd rather have it in a banana (which will also give you potassium, etc.) than on a donut (which gives you nothing.) Unless you have blood sugar issues then the sugar in fruit shouldn't be a big problem. As mentioned above, you should be focused on avoiding unnecessary sugars.

    Why do you have sugar in your instant oatmeal is the bigger question, haha... are you doing the flavored stuff?