What the deuce?

KWSR16 Posts: 91
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
So I stood on the scale the other day and realized that not even I knew what my weight was up till that moment. So here I am. I have been going to the gym for a while now but i guess its time to step it up a notch...or seven. I started a new diet plan and I am planning on being more active at the gym (having a workout last longer than an hour....gosh thats such a long time!).

I wish you all Happy Workouts and I look forward to hearing all of the inspirational "look at me now" stories you will all eventually post. And I am hoping that by my wedding day I can also be one of those inspirational stories that goes from a size 12 to a size 6 in less than 9 months. (It always sounds easier said than done, doesnt it.)

Till then my fellow workout-ers... Good day.
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