Mommy...trying to bring my inner MILF out

Hi all new to MFP so a quick background. I have a 8 month old baby girl and I gained a whopping 60 pounds while prego. I lost the first 30 by basically doing nothing but giving birth so that really doesnt count. I still have 30 to go to get back to where I was. I am a nursing mom and subscribed to the myth that breastfeeding helps you lose weight....well it doesnt. Here are my before prego pics and after prego pics I am still in the after....will post more pics once I reach 10 pounds. friend me please.

before pregnancy

and now 30 pounds heavier help me lose it again


  • christan04
    Hello there!

    Have to say the title made me laugh a little, but mostly because I know that's me... I gave birth to my little boy almost 11 months ago (1/19). I only gained 13lbs during the pregnancy, but started out bigger than I should have. I have lost 43lbs since delivery and am looking to lose 57 more lbs as quickly as possible.

    Good luck to you! Hope you see the number you want quickly! :)
  • mjameson41
    I can definitely relate! I have a seven month old and was still rocking 15 extra pounds after birth. Also am breastfeeding and was very disappointed that it didn't help more! I wasn't in shape when I got pregnant either, so I would like to lose 50 pounds when all is said and done. That would put me back at my college basketball playing days! Anyway, the hardest thing I am struggling with right now is finding time to workout while not losing time with my daughter. I mean after working all day and her early sleep time I only get to see her about 2 hours a day which is super sad and I don't want to use that time to workout. I really like that this program helps me know how much to eat if I am not going to work out that day and still stay on target. I have lost seven pounds (was more before the holidays!) and hopefully headed in the right direction! Keep working hard!!
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    You can do it!!!! I'm trying to find my inner MILF as well!
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    You can do it!!!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    same position except I have a two year old as of Halloween. I gained 50 and 25 fell off just like yours, It took another year and a half to get off the other 25, but mostly it took that time because I wasn't really exercising. I'm going for 15 more pounds because that's what I want to be since I was that weight when I got married 12 years ago. Go right ahead and friend me, we will become MILF's together haha.
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    I think you're gorgeous in both pictures! Keep up the good work!
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey there! We have the same achieve MILF status!!! I gained 60 pounds while pregnant also and breastfed up until 2 weeks before she turned one. She is not 15 months old and I'm still holding on to over 20 pounds of baby weight plus another 30. Friend me also...I'd love to travel the journey to become a MILF with you!!
  • raeklee23
    I know how you feel. I gained 60 lbs with my last two pregnacy's. The first time I was 20 and the wait came right off. The sencond time I was 26, I had to fight alot harder to get it off. I have noticed that loosing weight in my thirties has been the most difficult. I am very excited to say that after only one week of using MFP to watch what I eat and how much I work out I have lost 5 lbs. You can do it, just make sure you are getting the right amount of calories for breast feeding.
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I have a ten month old and about 50 to lose! Good luck! Before I had her I was 115. I "LOL'd at the title of this thread.
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    I gained 60 lbs with my pregnancy, got to 220lbs at last weigh in before giving birth. Now I'm about 15/20 lbs lighter than my prepregnancy weight! My son is turning 3 in March, most of my weight fell off quickly and I didn't breastfeed, but it did take awhile to start getting below my prepregnancy weight. It's hard after pregnancy to want so badly to get all that weight off, and get annoyed at how long it takes...but I always heard, it took 9 months to put on the weight, expect around 9 months to take it off. I figure as long as I do it right, and don't look for a quick fix where I just gain back the weight, then I'm okay at it taking awhile to drop the weight. Good luck!! :)
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Well, I obviously have never been pregnant :D But had to click on the title when I saw it, lol

    You can do it! All it takes is commitment. There are so many tools out there these days, like MFP, that make it so much easier to do. I'm very happy I found MFP when I did, it has made it much easier to lose the weight.
  • michellesisreed
    michellesisreed Posts: 24 Member
    Everyone is so nice and supportive .....I just try and keep my weight issues lighthearted.....:)
  • onehicchic
    HAHA I love the title! I can't use the prenancy baby fat anymore. My kids are 18 and almost 16 now. LOL My weight has yo yo'ed over the years. 3 yrs ago I was thin......not so much anymore. So here I am!
  • courtrptr13
    Love the title of your post! I'm also looking to lose pregnancy weight, 35 - 40 lbs. I just went back to work FT so I know it's going to be hard to find the time to start working out again and cooking fast, healthy meals, but I really want to drop these lbs. My hubby tells me I look good, but I want to look HOT! Good luck to both of us!
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    Haha!! Love this!! I have 5 kiddos and the youngest two are 18 and 7 months... Yep.. Only 11 months apart!! I was needing to lose about 20lbs before I got pregnant with my 18 month old.. And needless to say, hadn't lost the wait from him before I was adding the pounds back on again!! I am still BFing and i work 12 hour night shifts and have a tendency to wanna graze all night.. And make trips to the cafe for high calorie fattening goodies!!! Now I'm wanting to lose 50 pounds!! Let me rephrase that.. I AM going to lose 50 pounds!!!! :-) Please feel free to add me as we all work towards our inner MILF!! Super excited about this lifestyle changing journey!! So glad I found MFP!!!!
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