new and determined

lazyslug Posts: 14
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
subject is 'nuf said, hope this keeping records of food and exercise will kick my butt into gear. previous weight loss plans were that prepackaged crap, gained it all back and more at least 4-5 times. need to learn to eat regular food and lose.


  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    this site is awesome. I love it. I was on another site and there was barely any of the food I regurarly eat and had to guess what item was the closest. you will love it. go ahead and friend me.
  • subject is 'nuf said, hope this keeping records of food and exercise will kick my butt into gear. previous weight loss plans were that prepackaged crap, gained it all back and more at least 4-5 times. need to learn to eat regular food and lose.

    This is a new way of learning what foods you can eat and what portion sizes you can have. I had no idea that I was eating such large portions. I thought I would starve to death on smaller size portions. I learned through this site that eating healthy whole foods makes it hard for me to get to 1200 calories a day. Welcome and I wish you the best of luck!!! You will do fantastic with all the support here!!! Don't cheat yourself~~~if you eat--LOG IT! It works for me. This is the first time in my life I have held myself accountable for food. :blushing:
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    It does work. When I first started it was difficult, I won't lie about that. Starting at +260 pounds in August I was afraid to even start thinking epic fail before trying. But, I tried it. I liked it. IT WORKED. So while Dec was difficult to stay on track due to holidays, my son's birthday and overall work stress, I was able to stay pretty even only gaining 2 pounds.

    That said my biggest issue somedays became eating enough calories. Because I was eating differently - foods, portion sizes, times - I found that I didn't need to eat like before. So, take it in steps, maybe set up to lose 1 pound per week and gradually increase. The biggest thing is if you don't lose right away or for a few weeks in the middle do NOT give up. we all go through it.

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