New mommies losing weight

pftjill Posts: 488
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Hey all you. I am here with a 4 month old trying to get back down to my weight. Let me start off by saying I hate when people blame their weight on their babies-I mean hello I am pretty sure you feed yourself and the baby doesn't feed you. I don't blame this on her at all-I blame it on the fact when I am preggo I have no self control.

So anyone else out there wanting to take the weight off from the weight they packed on with their pregnancy? I can't wait to fit into my clothes again. That is the most exciting thing is that I will actually have stuff to wear. What are you most excited for?


  • MsImperfect0
    MsImperfect0 Posts: 127 Member
    im not a "new" mom i have a 3 year old and a 10 month old but im deffinatly needing to lose weight from both pregnancies still!
    im more excited to be able to go in to the stores and not be dissapointed becuase i cant fit in to any of the pants they have!
  • plainjoe81
    plainjoe81 Posts: 53 Member
    Wife will be so excited once I get my hot body back! :-D
  • Im right there with you...I had zero self control when I was pregnant and ended up gaining 60 lbs!! Most of the weight has come off very easily but I can't shed the last 10 so I decided to give MFP a try. Good luck to you!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hi. I too have a baby at home and am looking to lose weight. My little guy was born in Sept 2010. I have managed to get 20 of the 28 i gained while i was pregnant but I was 25 lbs overweight when i got pregnant.
  • I am in the same boat. My little Monkey was born September 2010. I was at 252 when I had him, I am now back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 215, but I was overweight to begin with. My BMI indicates I am obese, and I am tired of that. I would like to be 175 and work my way down to my healthy weight of 150. I want to be healthy for my son. And my doctor wants me to be less weight when we try for our second.
  • CMH24
    CMH24 Posts: 101 Member
    I agree, It isn't the babies fault! I didn't really eat junk food but I was SOOOO hungry all the time. I gained 50lbs - ugh.

    About a year and a 1/2 ago I was 216lbs (an all time high for me) my husband deployed and I lost 50lbs. I was down to 165ish but I was toned and in probably the best shape of my life from working out every day. DH got back a month later I was pregnant and I gained that 50 back. I am currently 170ish but struggling to motivate myself to work out! I would ultimately like to be 140s but I know that If I could do the initial 50lbs, there is hope for anyone (including myself) to reach our long term goals!
  • heatsy
    heatsy Posts: 43 Member
    me!! my son is 8 weeks old today, and I still have 10 lbs to lose to get to my pre preggo weight, but then I want to lose another 30 or so! i gained 25 with my first and lost it all in a week, but this timke i gained 30 and it is much slower getting it off.
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