Hello Everyone!! :)

So Im new here just looking for another tool to help get me motivated to lose 30 pounds I have put on in the past year and a half. I was actually doing really good after having my kids (3&4) but after returning to an office job eating healthy and making time to work out or go to the gym pretty much completely dimished. But i am hopfull i can once again lose the weight and keep it off permently this time!! I have just ordered Chalean Johnsons new turbo fire since I had already done her turbo jam set and lost weight i figured I would give her new program a whirl!! Anyways good luck to everyone out there with your weight loss and fitness goals!!


  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Good luck to you as well and Welcome to MFP it is a wonderful resource for anything and everything you have ever wanted to know about weight loss.
  • lilmommy
    Thanks so much!!