5 Ways To Reduce Stress At Work!

The ability to regulate our hormone levels is one of the hidden factors in our quest to lose weight. Stress can play a major role in our success or struggles. Cortisol, a hormone that is secreted by the adrenal glands, is designed to assist us when we are facing a stressful situation. It is a part of the body's "fight for flight" response. In short bouts cortisol can give you a quick burst of energy. Unfortunately, many of us stay stressed for long periods of time. Prolonged periods of elevated cortisol can lead to body fat being stored in the abdominal area. Abdominal or visceral fat is the most dangerous type. It increases your chances of having high blood pressure, diabetes, high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). As a rule men shouldn't have a waist size greater than 40 inches and women shouldn't measure more than 35 inches.

We all need to find ways to keep our stress down as low as possible. Work, relationships and money are three of the most common things that cause us to feel stressed. Just thinking about what my house is currently worth is stressing me out right now. Here are 5 ways to reduce stress while at work. Many of these can be done during other times as well.

1. Exercise. Take a few laps around the parking lot. A simple walk can ease stress and burn calories all at once.

2. Take a break. If possible, find a quiet spot far away from your co-workers. In most cases they are only going to talk about work.

3. Play some music. Music can help alter your mood and take the edge off of a stressful day.

4. Express yourself. Now before you tell everyone in the office how you really feel it might be a good idea to express yourself in writing. Keeping a private journal or simply putting your feelings our paper can be a powerful outlet.

5. Breathe! Even if you can't get away from your desk, listen to music or exercise you can always breathe. Try this. Close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose and then slowly exhale out of the mouth. Make sure that you extend your stomach and not your chest when breathing in. Do this 10 times and then repeat it 9 times and then 8. Keep counting down until you get to 1. Once you reach 1 slowly open your eyes.
