New to myfitnesspal - needing motivation!

jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I am a 27 year old female, UK Size 18-20 and weigh around 87kg. I began using myfitnesspal on Monday 3rd January 2011. Over the past few days I am finding it hard to fight the hunger and cut down the junk. I go to the gym 2-3 times per week for at least 1 hour per time and have started to walk more and hope to increase my activity over time. I have never been slim throughout my life so far and I find it hard to lose weight. Each year I set myself a challenge but never succeed. At the start of the year, my boss challenged me to lose 1 stone (around 1 pound per week) by my birthday on 22nd April and I am sooo determined to lose some weight and be a healthy female. So I am looking to chat to anyone and everyone for inspiration, suggestions and motivation to help me get through this and I will do my best to help out anyone on here too!!


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I find that trying to find lower calorie substitutes for my favorites helps, ex I love ice cream but have replaced it with weight watchers ice cream bars (only 60 cals), and I try to make things lower in cals, ex use honey mustard instead of mayo on sandwiches and no cheese, make my burritos without sour cream. Also if you snack on things that are filling like popcorn, apples, etc that seems to help. Good luck I know you can do it
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you! I've never seen weight watchers ice cream bars before but I'll keep an eye out for them! Crisps under 100 calories will be good like Quavers or Cheesy Wotsits, so I can still enjoy those but with fewer calories. I find there is a lot of hidden sugar in food and drink, and from looking at what's been recorded on here under my nutrients summary, I am still over my limit so will need to watch that. My mum is diabetic so she will be able to help with that side of things.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I keep small apples handy, and take my lunch to work. I started small cutting one thing at a time out of my diet starting with anything that came in a can or box. Soda is in a can!!! Drink more water to flush your body of toxins. I have lost 5 pounds since Saturday just by drinking more water. You can do this!
  • Just try eating little and often...... even just a little of something sweet, not necessarily choc but fruit or frozen yohurt can cut the craving! Dont deprive yourself as youll give up when it seems toooo hard, we all have blips where we struggle....... the odd bitesize snack to stave off a craving wont ruin you and tomorrow you can try again.......... I beleive you can do it this time and youll win that bet!!
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    Superhippiechik - I hardly drink fizzy soda and when I do I make sure it's diet or zero drinks. I actually don't drink enough of anything during the day which is bad and today I managed to drink 6 glasses of water and cannot stop peeing!!! I will keep it up though! That's excellent losing 5 pounds since Saturday drinking more water, well done! :)

    Ginjapuss - I plan not to deprive myself of snacks I enjoy, I just need to be sensible! I have a large tub of Celebrations from Xmas and pick at a couple of them a day to get a chocolate fix if needed! I believe frozen yoghurt is better for you than ice cream so will turn to that and still enjoy a bowl of Ben and Jerry's now and again!! I feel that if I get past the next couple of weeks there will be no stopping me! Plus my boss said that if I reach my target she will treat me to something!!! :)
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