The mental aspects of good fitness

As we enter into this year we must come to it with a renewed sense of purpose. In the past especially over the last few year’s you may have experienced some sort of calamity in your life and it has colored your world in dark grays. Maybe it was a death of a spouse or a break up in a relationship, or the loss of a job, or financial setbacks. Maybe you have been trying to find yourself in better fitness and have failed at every turn. Maybe it is a relationship you are in now that seems not to be going the way you want it go to and you feel trapped with no way out.

Well first let’s for a moment put our problems aside and sit back and think about who we are and what we want to accomplish this year. I am a firm believer that our mental strength can overcome any and all situations. Our ability to believe that we are stronger than our situations can get us thru them and into another, much better position. We must change our mindset and begin the process of believing that we can do all things thru the higher power that put us here.

In his eyes you are wonderfully made. You were bought at a price and your debts have been forgiven. You are a beautiful person and one that has made a difference in many lives. You are smart and the years have filled you with wisdom beyond your age. You are strong both mentally and physically. Over the past few years you have gone thru a lot of mental and maybe even physical abuse and have come thru maybe scared but victorious. Over the past few years you may have been put in an arena (figuratively speaking) and asked to face many opponents. Maybe you had been beaten up so bad that now you are just about ready to give up. Well don’t. Right around the corner is where your victory lies.

I too have been beaten and bruised but what keeps me in the game is the understanding that even when the chips are down, God had our back. Even when you feel alone and cold, he is there to keep you company and warm. Be strong this year and know that you are wonderfully made and that your body is his temple. Please know that our bodies are very forgiving and even if we have abused them with proper diet and fitness, this can be reversed to some degree.

Don’t give up but fight for a better tomorrow. Don’t quit because quitting should not be in your vocabulary and there is new victory in quitters. Don’t give in. Life has a way of beating us down and weakening us. By giving in we are settling for second best and you are better than that. Don’t let life beat you down but fight back and in the end there will be your victory.

Whatever the problems you entered this year with know that you are victorious over it. Focus on now fixing the problem and not dwelling on the issue. You can do it! You are wonderfully made and our life is important to us all. This is that attitude you must come in to this year with and with that mental understanding the skys have no limit on what you can accomplish.


  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    I could tell you were a preacher before I even got to the 3rd paragraph... :-)
    Thanks for the encouragement :-)