Just starting out

Hey all! I actually ate today more than I have in 1 day in a long time.. because after reading more and more about dieting.. I am understnading you should eat at least 3 times a day. Which I was not at all maybe coffee, a HUGE dinner and then chips and chocolate at night before bed.. lots of pop.. but caff/diet free... so my question is....

So if I am understanding right..... that (I should) on a day when I exercise I should increase my caloric allotment for the day so that my body does not go into starvation mode but how do you do that? How many calories should I estimate I add. The same amount that you burned or what? And how does this acutally help you lose weight.. I want to lose weight not stay the same weight. Any advice would be awesome!!



  • Reese2008
    eating smaller meals throughout the day and exercising increases your metabolism. you'll actually feel hungry eating more! when you only eat junk food and a large meal, your body stores it as fat. when you log your daily exercise, it automatically calculates your calorie intake for you. good luck.
  • Reese2008
    by the way.. I eat 5 times a day. 3 meals and a snack in between.
  • Kiki_s
    Kiki_s Posts: 5
    when I previously went on Weight Watchers I eat and lost a lot! Unfortunately I stopped and piled it all back on, so in 10 minutes I will be going out to join again.
    No really after exercising you should not eat the same amount you have lost in calories, however you know that you may be able to treat yourself......
    Talking about treating yourself, when I previously followed WW, I ate like a horse and was still in my points allowance. I love veg and fruit and potato and it all worked well, when I put my jacket potato in the calorie counter yesterday though I was a bit shocked......
    I ll let you know how I get on :)
    Good luck!