Cheat Day

Do you have a cheat day? If so, how often and what does it consist of?


  • I used to but ever since I stopped the weight has been coming off much faster so I choose not to anymore
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    i do but haven't for awhile since xmas was one giant cheat week
  • karriecook
    karriecook Posts: 84 Member
    I try not to have a whole day, but I do allow myself to have a weak moment every now and then such as New Years Eve.
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I went to Boston Pizza yesterday, I feel gross now. So no more of that for me. Sometimes I have a cheat food. :/
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Every few weeks (or even once a week) 1 crazy meal is ok. I wouldnt take a whole day, but 1 meal is alright.
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Hmm, I try not to have a cheat day. I find for me that just makes me feel like I have free reign to eat whatever. Like someone said, I had a 'cheat' week because of the holidays. I didn't eat everything in sight but did take some tastes of things so not too overboard. Today was a 'will never eat that again' day. LOL. Never knew hot much fat was in hotdogs. Bummer because they taste so good. Guess I have to find one that is less fat AND tastes good. Any ideas??

  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    it just feels too great being healthy and active to compromise this high for some food or skipping a work out. It didn't always feel this good (honelthy, sometimes it was downright ****ty) but now that I haven't put crap in my body in so long I don't seem to miss it.
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    i have one "cheat" meal on saturday at lunch. i then work super hard to burn it all off. i generally get within 1-200 calories of my goal for the day anyway.
  • sk4399
    sk4399 Posts: 96
    Hmm, I try not to have a cheat day. I find for me that just makes me feel like I have free reign to eat whatever. Like someone said, I had a 'cheat' week because of the holidays. I didn't eat everything in sight but did take some tastes of things so not too overboard. Today was a 'will never eat that again' day. LOL. Never knew hot much fat was in hotdogs. Bummer because they taste so good. Guess I have to find one that is less fat AND tastes good. Any ideas??


    I really like Ball Park Turkey Franks. I think they are 45 calories.
  • WhiskeyBravo
    Once every two weeks, whatever meal I want...whatever I've been craving, but I do the one meal and make it my last meal of the day....otherwise it will turn into of freakin' food festival... but it keeps me sane and kinda keeps my body guessin'. I also like it because I feel like I've set myself so far back that the new few days I'm on overdrive in the gym... I don't know why but I lift better day after a cheat meal...
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    The idea of a cheat day or a cheat meal implies that you can't still eat what you want and be on a diet. I don't believe in that as all. As long as you are still meeting your calorie goals, you can eat what you want, when you want. I think it's okay to go over your calorie goals by a few hundred calories occasionally, so if you need to have a day where your favorite meal puts you over that, then have one.

    However, having a day or a meal where you just pig out on whatever you can find without being accountable to how many calories you're eating is a sure way to reverse all of the progress you're making the rest of the week.
  • CelesteHerrera
    I have a cheat meal....usually dinner with dessert.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm trying not to cheat at all until I'm able to stay consistently under my calorie goal for at least 3 weeks. I'm trying to train myself to make better choices.
  • hunterzmomma
    I always have a cheat day. where I EAT WHATEVER I WANT LOL, once a week :) it keeps your metabolism going , well I think anyways.
  • Nicole114
    Hmm, I try not to have a cheat day. I find for me that just makes me feel like I have free reign to eat whatever. Like someone said, I had a 'cheat' week because of the holidays. I didn't eat everything in sight but did take some tastes of things so not too overboard. Today was a 'will never eat that again' day. LOL. Never knew hot much fat was in hotdogs. Bummer because they taste so good. Guess I have to find one that is less fat AND tastes good. Any ideas??


    Hebrew National makes the BEST hotdogs! They also make some that are like 98% fat free or something like that and they're pretty good too. Not sure how many calories they have though. They're a little more expensive but they are worth it!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I don't have cheat days...I have meals every now and again that probably wouldn't be considered the most nutritionally beneficial for my body. Such as pizza, chinese food, a burger...usually I pick one of these things one or twice a week. But I usually make sure I'm eating the correct serving size. If its something high in sodium, I drink more water that day. And if I know I'm to eat something more in the "junk food" category, I work out more that day.

    But as far as a day like Christmas eve or Christmas? I ate what I wanted when I wanted. I stopped when I was full but I enjoyed myself! But I don't do this frequently! LOL! :o)
  • Nicole114
    Hmm, I try not to have a cheat day. I find for me that just makes me feel like I have free reign to eat whatever. Like someone said, I had a 'cheat' week because of the holidays. I didn't eat everything in sight but did take some tastes of things so not too overboard. Today was a 'will never eat that again' day. LOL. Never knew hot much fat was in hotdogs. Bummer because they taste so good. Guess I have to find one that is less fat AND tastes good. Any ideas??


    I really like Ball Park Turkey Franks. I think they are 45 calories.

    These are really good too!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I give myself a cheat meal, either once a week minorly, or every two weeks in a bigger way. Tonight I'm having sushi, last night was a homecooked meal at my parents house. Last night was a minor cheat, and so is tonight. I'm getting back on the horse fully for the next 2 weeks though. The way I see it, You don't gain pounds and pounds in a meal or two, and I''m at a healthy weight anyway and just trying to lose a few and tone up, so I don't have to kill myself, just make healthier decisions overall in the long-term. In short, all things in moderation. Cheat days/meals help you feel less deprived, and for me that's nice a few times a month, just not more than that.
  • datagram40
    datagram40 Posts: 33 Member
    I do have a cheat day.

    I try and make Monday through Friday my normal days. Friday used to be the cheat day, but it turned out always that the whole weekend for me was a cheat day too. Friday is much easier if I just make it a normal health day.

    Saturday after I weigh in is my cheat day.

    I wake up about 2PM because I make myself sleep in that long (early hours during the week) then I either eat a whole pizza or go to some place to eat.

    Usually though it is just 1-1.5 meals depending on what I ate.

    Once I went to Carl's Jr. (they know they are unhealthy and flaunt it) and I ate a 2400 calorie meal. I think that was my only meal of the day too. lol

    So far I have lost 14 pounds and seem to be losing about 1-2 pounds a week. So far.

    Things may change once I hit that threshold that I keep hearing about where it is hard to lose weight.