4 days in...trying to keep the motivation. PLEASE HELP

kaem Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I started this as a New Years Resolution. A few days in and I think its going ok, but I know myself in the past I always cave! I think if I have the back up of people on here hopefully we will all suceed!!! ADD ME PLEASE!!!!


  • YOu can do it! 2011 is your year to succeed!
  • You can do it!!! Just keep going! x
  • Doverbeach
    Doverbeach Posts: 3 Member
    The answer is simple..............If you really want to lose weight you will!
  • It's hard to keep going at first, but it gets easier the more you do it. I've tried a few things in the past, but myfitnesspal is an awesome way to keep track of the calories going in. I also like the way on here, and almost nowhere else, exercise gives you the sensation of getting a reward. It shows up as "you exercised so you can eat <so many more> calories a day!" - really great motivation.
  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    I really want to (and need to) do it this year also. Good luck and keep going! Have sent you a request as i could do with support also.
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    The key is to not allow yourself excuses......And if you slip think new way of living not diet....Tomorrow is a new day...oh and yes if you want that treat exercise for it.
  • muchojaleo
    muchojaleo Posts: 10 Member

    The more the merrier.... I will add you to my friends... I also have done this only for a few days... but I believe I will get into it, specially sharing this project with others..

    It is fun too to have "friends" that you don't know at all in a social network... all with one project in mind... and the tips you get for it and the different way each of us looks at this.

    Stay in! I am sure it will be worth it.

  • jrhodges20
    jrhodges20 Posts: 103 Member
    You are going to do great, keep with it! I too am now in for 5 days, and have seen results, I found that the motivation and support from everyone I have met on here is helping me out. It is nice to talk to others and get advice and support. I will send you a friend request. Feel free to add me and we will keep on supporting one another!
  • lorijupiter3
    lorijupiter3 Posts: 16 Member
    I totally agree. This site is so awesome for me. Its good to look up the things that I usually eat in abundance and be horrified by the calories and fat. Definitely motivating. :)
  • I am also in my 5th day. i haven't had healthy portions in quite sometime. The past year, I had a fast food meal at least once a day due to night shift. Taco Hell and Jack in the Crack were the only options (I reasoned). LOTS OF SODA. About 1000 CAL/Day. Throw in 3 six packs of beer /wk (microbrews even) and yep, that's a recipe for disaster. I have been strict for 5 days at 1750 Cal of healthy balance of all the food groups and damn can I feel a difference! No sugar crashes and hunger pangs!! I really feel better and I haven't even began to excercise. Waiting for a week to get all of my sugar levels leveled out. This site makes me feel that if I were to fall one day, just get back up on the horse the next and keep riding. On New Years, I figured my intake to be 10,000 calories in one day- Ouch! I am 42, 100lbs overweight and have a baby 21/2 yr old girl. For me- No more procrastination! No more excuses!- "Get busy livin' or get busy Dyin'" -(Morgan Freeman)
  • The first few days of change are always the most challenging. You are a success story in the making because you are here. You chose to place yourself in a supportive environment. Trust the process, stick to the plan and stay in the support. Your are a winner baby!
  • I started the same time as you, I'm the 1st Jan cliche!

    I feel my attitude is VERY different to previous attempts. I'm not saying "I want to" or "I'm trying to" I'm saying "I will" because I know that if I stick to this I will lose weight. How do I know this? Because I've been visiting the Success Stories part of the message board with the frequency of a professional stalker. I'd recommend it. Those people aren't special, they don't have a weight loss superpower, they are just like you and me only they've been here for weeks/months.

    I was on a site yesterday and there was a poll "how many diets will you start this year" a/ 1 b/ 2 c/ 3 d/ 4 or more. I truthfully clicked A, but the majority of people had clicked D, I just couldn't help but think, why bother with that attitude? I mean, I know people stop & start & if at first you don't succeed try try again, but why begin any project with the belief you will fail? Believe in yourself from day one & feel free to add me as a friend if you want support.

    Adele x
  • I couldn't agree more - just trust the process. The great thing is you don't have to think - MFP does most of the work for you. It makes you realise how important exercise is - because on the days you don't exercise you have to watch what you eat/drink even more carefully. It's slow and sometimes you fail - but you have to see the big picture. I have lost half a stone over the last 3 months and that is definitely progress for me.
  • Yeah you can do it, just keep it in your mind why you want to lose the weight, put a crap pic of yourself on the fridge + thatl remind you why you want to lose the weight in the first place. I lost 2 stone last year + i want to do the same this year.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    This is not something you can fail at... it's not a diet. There is no "time frame" involved... you are going to make the decision to eat better... TODAY. You are going to make the decision to make better choices AT THIS MEAL. And you will build on your good choices. If you CHOOSE to eat something sweet, fatty, etc... it's no big deal - you CHOSE it and you will live with the consequences.
    This is a lifestyle change - you can't "cheat" on your life. But your life will be what you make of it. What will you choose today? Will you choose to be tired or will you choose to energize yourself with exercise? Will you choose to eat frankenfood or will you choose to eat fresh, wholesome food that comes from the earth? Will you choose to eat fattening, salt-laden food that comes out of a drive in window or will you nourish your body with good, quality food? The CHOICE is yours... what will you choose?
    The first couple days of starting any new habit or routine is difficult... then, it gets easier because you realize how much better you feel, how much stronger you are and how far you've already come.
    For motivation - look at the success page and see the transformations... real people who have lost pounds and years off their faces and bodies. It doesn't get more motivating than that!
  • Stay Strong, once you get in to it your whole frame of mind changes. Start using your calorie counter and read the utritional info on the back of what you eat and drink. It will give you a good reality of why you should or shouldnt eat different things.
  • I totally agree. This site is so awesome for me. Its good to look up the things that I usually eat in abundance and be horrified by the calories and fat. Definitely motivating. :)

  • lorijupiter3
    lorijupiter3 Posts: 16 Member
    I started the same time as you, I'm the 1st Jan cliche!

    I feel my attitude is VERY different to previous attempts. I'm not saying "I want to" or "I'm trying to" I'm saying "I will" because I know that if I stick to this I will lose weight. How do I know this? Because I've been visiting the Success Stories part of the message board with the frequency of a professional stalker. I'd recommend it. Those people aren't special, they don't have a weight loss superpower, they are just like you and me only they've been here for weeks/months.

    I was on a site yesterday and there was a poll "how many diets will you start this year" a/ 1 b/ 2 c/ 3 d/ 4 or more. I truthfully clicked A, but the majority of people had clicked D, I just couldn't help but think, why bother with that attitude? I mean, I know people stop & start & if at first you don't succeed try try again, but why begin any project with the belief you will fail? Believe in yourself from day one & feel free to add me as a friend if you want support.

    Adele x

    Haha, I too am stalking the success stories 'like a professional stalker. :D
  • Pray with God's help -- just pray for yourself. Thoughts become things -- choose good ones!
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