Feel the Fear- Do it Anyway (Words of Encouragment)

I thought I'd share this word of encouragement from a book I'm reading. The book is about conquering challenges and creating change. When I read it I thought it could very well apply to the journey of health and weight loss. I hope it blesses, motivates or inspires you. Have a great day.

A ship that is anchored in the harbor is sheltered from the wind and rough seas. But it was not built to stay in the harbor. The ship only makes progress when it heads out to sea and loses sight of the shore. Don't let the lure of comfort and safety rob you of what you want. Set your sail , move into the open waters and steer ahead with confidence as the shore fades in the distance. If you feel anxious at the start, that's okay. Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Don't wait until desperation becomes the only way out. Instead, inspire yourself to change. Find your passage and stamp out procrastination and apathy forever. Make change your friend. That decision will enable you to live a fuller life.

pg. 28 The Power of Focus for Women by Fran and Les Hewitt
