If I can do it...

This is day 5 for me, and I love the tools offered here! I have always felt like I was "eating right" but this takes out all the guesswork and now I know for sure where I stand throughout the day. Today is donut day at work...pass! :) When you know how many calories you are ACTUALLY consuming, it makes the past weight gain make sense and makes you more confident on the days you may not see results on the scale that you HAVE been doing everything right and you WILL see results eventually. I can't wait to look back a year from now and be able to post that I lost the 45 lbs. I wanted to! That will put me back to my pre-babies weight. I am a 36 year old married, mom of three, working full time and taking 12 credit hours per semester toward my degree in Social Work. I am active with my church, attend a weekly bible study and help out working with our church youth group. I have 2 more years of school myself and my husband has one more year as well to earn his master's. We have a child in elementary, middle and high school starting next year, so with all I have on my plate in the next 2 years, being healthy could NOT be a priority without tools like this. If I can do it, anyone can! I also just started C25K, which is a training program "Couch to 5K" which trains you from being totally inactive to running a 5K in 9 weeks. Yesterday was "Week 1, Day 2" of the program. I have asthma and quit smoking in April 2010. I have not been able to keep up with the program perfectly on day one or day two, because I had to walk some of the running parts, but I know by tomorrow, when I do day 3 of the program, I will be able to do it because last night I was so close. I have signed up for a 5K on April 9th, the day before my 37th birthday, and one month after I will have finished the C25K program. I know that commitment and this website will help me stay focused and accountable. Again, if I can do it, anyone can. Good luck to everyone and I am so glad I have this commutnity to help keep me focused on my goals.



  • CarolynnW
    CarolynnW Posts: 35 Member
    Good luck Cyndi, you can and will complete the C25K! I too am doing it and loving every minute of it! I NEVER thought I could run and here I am looking forward to the running days! I'm also one of those "If I can do it ANYONE can"! Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • KWSR16
    KWSR16 Posts: 91
    YAY Cyndi! Good luck on your 5K! I know you will be great! 5K's are my favorite long distance race. Not too long and not too short. It's definately a great goal to look forward to. Can't wait to hear about how great you will do! Good luck :)
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Wow that is a lot going on there, you sound like superwoman! I can relate to finishing school after marriage and motherhood have started. My husband and I both got our B.S. while working full time and raising a 1 year old and 3 year old. Took us two years and lots of frozen pizza. During that time, my focus was getting that degree, since we only had two years before my husband was getting out of the military and we'd be moving. So my weight was not on the list of priorities. So Kudos to you for working out while getting your degree and everything else you have going on. Five years later, my husband and I are now on this weight loss journey together as well. I've been trying for the past five years, but haven't really seen results until I started this website. Welcome and good luck with C25K. Feel free to friend me!