Not doing well at all...

JennBennett410 Posts: 229
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I am seriously down right now. I thought I did well all week and I am up..really up! Not like a pound or two like almost 4....I am so upset. I ate well all week and I pushed myself at the gym. I don't get it. I drank my water. The only two things I can think of is my sodium intake was high this week and I am on day 23 of a 28 day cycle....

I konw I need to just shake it off and keep moving forward but sometimes that scale is so hurtful. I am also down and sad because I can't run. MY knee has been killing me PT starts back up on the 18th *my company switched health insurance so I had problems with the therapist scheduling me* I am hoping and praying I am back out there soon! I miss it. I miss the rush I get from it...but most importantly I miss the calories I burn from it.

This weekend is going to be rough...we are going to the diner tonight, and tomorrow night we are haivng buffalo chicken (my husbands favorite...I am going to try to make it low fat!) Going to try to make smart choices for today and tomorrow...and hopefully at least get in a wii fit workout tomorrow but I am SO WORRIED that I am going to gain it all back.

Turning to you guys so I won't turn to food. I am actually thinking of taking a cold brisk walk at lunch! MAYBE that will help!


  • You'll be ok. Things take time and maybe the gain is due to muscle gain since muscle weighs more than fat. I have no idea, but we are all here for you whenever you need us!

    Good luck!! ^__^
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Lift weights. Ride the bike, anything is better than nothing, even shopping or walking in the mall.

    Do not get discouraged. These things happen to all of us. Really take a good look at your foods and see where you think you can make some changes. Make you can make some healthier choices, choose foods with lower carbs, or try cutting out flour. Just make a few baby changes and see if that helps.

    Otherwise, don't give up!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Not nosy, but wondering what you are eating. :flowerforyou:
  • Dont let it get to you too said you pushed yourself at the gym you may have addded muscle mass and your cycle could have a lot to do with it to. Keep doing what you are doing and you may find next week you have a big drop in weight. Also salt can play a huge roll in the scale, keep drinking water and enjoy your dinner :)
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    Read the blog "How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind". It's just what you need today. And keep venting and remember the scale is a very fickle thing!
  • Have you taken your measurements? I find that sometimes when the scale is not the way I want it that taking my measurements help. I totally understand where you are though...I hate that!!! It can be so discouraging but keep your head up! You can do this!!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    You've come so far! This is just a bump in the can get past it. Forget about the scale for a few days and get plenty of water will all balance out.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    You should be aware that really pushing yourself physically isn't going to melt away the pounds. It's a great source fo building muscle and raising your resting heart (and therefore burn rate) and cardio is great for burning cals to get your allowance up high. in the long term it does you wonders.

    In the short term however- it is proly whats causing you to gain, esp in conjunction with ur p-rod. Both your cycle and increased activity cause your body to retain water- in the case of activity, to help with muscle repair. It's part of why rest days and lighter workout weeks are SO important.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Hang in there! It pretty much happens to anyone. If you have done a lot of strength training, your muscles can hold a lot of water, and it may take a while to lose it, but it will happen! Keep pushing!! Keep drinking your water, keep logging food, and be honest with everything you eat/drink. Also, don't weigh too often. Your body goes up and down so much depending on all kinds of variables. Keep at it! :flowerforyou:
  • I think you nailed it with the sodium thing and the day 23 of a cycle thing. Those things ALWAYS hit me and I get frustrated with them too. Be honest with yourself with what you are doing food wise, stay focused and keep turning to MFP instead of food. You will make it!!!!

    I had to days of high sodium and woke up 2 pound heavier this moring.
    My wife has the same issue during her cycle

    hang in there it is a blip on the screen
  • You are doing really well, please dont give up everyone is here for you, it could well be that you are building muscle and unfortunately muscle weighs more. The plus side is by going to the gym you are building up your fitness levels which is a plus point. Try to stay positive and dont quit.
    Nikki x
  • MsTrudy66
    MsTrudy66 Posts: 24 Member
    I think you answered your own question. You saw that you had more sodium, and you are day 21 of 28 days of your cycle. I don't know about you, but I always get bloated the week before my period and gain about 4 lbs. That is so normal. It is water weight. That would be my best guess. No worries. Sounds like you are doing great. Just keep being mindful of your eating and exercise and let your body do the rest. Have faith. :))
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    While I don't think it would be muscle mass :) but I do think that it could be some bloating from your cycle and also the high sodium foods. I have found that by subbing more fruits and veggies for the grains I was eating (and still getting enough carbs in) and also by eating a diet higher in protein, that I have been able to combat the same type of weight gain that I used to get that you have described.
    Heading out for a walk at lunch today, no HRM, no work out clothes...just a walk . To clear my head and log some sort of exercise.

    I know this is just a bump in the road, but it is a scary bump, I FEAR weight gain!

    Thanks for all your support and advice! I know I would have not come this far without MFP!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    I know this is just a bump in the road, but it is a scary bump, I FEAR weight gain!

    Don't fear WEIGHT gain. Fear FAT gain.

    The good news is that if you have been eating properly and exercising appropriately it is high unlikely that you have put on 4lbs of fat in a single week. It is probably water weight as has been mentioned. I know that my weight varies by up to 4 - 5 lbs a day depending on when I way weigh myself due to hydration levels. That is why I weigh myself under the same conditions, at the same time, on the same scale every week so I can get a clear gauge of where I am. I also track my BF% to get a accurate idea of what my body composition is in reality.

    It is the overall trend that is important not just an individual number.

    I have no doubt if you stick with it and apply the basic principles which are applicable to all of us, save for those with specific medical conditions, you will be successful.

    Just do it.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You should be aware that really pushing yourself physically isn't going to melt away the pounds. It's a great source fo building muscle and raising your resting heart (and therefore burn rate) and cardio is great for burning cals to get your allowance up high. in the long term it does you wonders.

    In the short term however- it is proly whats causing you to gain, esp in conjunction with ur p-rod. Both your cycle and increased activity cause your body to retain water- in the case of activity, to help with muscle repair. It's part of why rest days and lighter workout weeks are SO important.

    too much sodium will show an increase on the scale too. That combined with your TOM. I retain more than just water. I get all backed up right before I start (and my junk food cravings increase ten fold). I think you will be just fine.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Sorry you are struggling, and I hope the walk helped. :flowerforyou: I went to a health seminar during my lunch hour today, and one thing the instructor said that really struck a chord with me: "Lifestyle Change = Permanent Change." I've heard the term "Lifestyle change" a million times, but somehow when he said "Permanent" it just clicked. Everything I'm doing in my lifestyle change, for me, is a permanent change. I'm not trying any crazy food plan that I won't continue to do for the rest of my life. I'm trying new workouts, etc, but that's mostly to keep from getting bored and to challenge my body.

    As others have said, this is just a minor setback. Try not to get discouraged. Focus on the positive changes you have made in the rest of your life. Changes that have nothing to do with the numbers on the scale.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    It doesn't matter!
    Natural fluctuation is my guess. It happens! I shot up by 10 pounds over Christmas (it was literally ten pounds up after Christmas eve and I didn't even eat so much.. It was just that the food was very different from what I had become used to. ) and am now slowly coming down even though I haven't been keeping my eating in check since. I'm now about 4 pounds from where I was before and am finally beginning again tomorrow. I won't be surprised if those 4 pounds are gone before a week has passed but it doesn't matter even if they don't disappear that fast. The trend is down and no amount of fluctuation changes that.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Sorry you are struggling, and I hope the walk helped. :flowerforyou: I went to a health seminar during my lunch hour today, and one thing the instructor said that really struck a chord with me: "Lifestyle Change = Permanent Change." I've heard the term "Lifestyle change" a million times, but somehow when he said "Permanent" it just clicked. Everything I'm doing in my lifestyle change, for me, is a permanent change. I'm not trying any crazy food plan that I won't continue to do for the rest of my life. I'm trying new workouts, etc, but that's mostly to keep from getting bored and to challenge my body.

    As others have said, this is just a minor setback. Try not to get discouraged. Focus on the positive changes you have made in the rest of your life. Changes that have nothing to do with the numbers on the scale.

    Love this...maybe we need to start saying "permanent lifestyle change" instead? My goal this year is to really LEARN how to eat.
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