Got below my goal what do I do?

MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all!
I have been using this site for almost 2 yrs. I LOVE IT! However, I have become slightly obsessed with logging my food. To the point that I am considered underweight and constantly have people telling me I am too skinny. I was happy with my weight and how I looked about 8 lbs. ago. I have set my goal to gain .5 pound a week. I am finding it hard to get all my calories in though. I like seeing the negative or leftover calories, etc at the end ot the day.
Does anyone have any suggestions that will help me gain without turning to the junk food that I used to love? That's my other problem...I now have a "hate" relationship with food. EX) "I can't eat that b/c of .....)
Thanks in advance for you advice!!
Btw. I work out almost every day doing videos at home. I get a calorie burn of about 200 cals per day. Sometimes I do longer videos, so I burn more.


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Maybe add more strength training so you gain some muscle mass?
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Raw nuts like almonds and also sunflower seeds. And avocados! Both of these types of foods have higher calories but are very healthy and include the good fats. I don't have this problem of needing to gain weight but if I did, this is what I would turn to! Don't start eating fried foods and stuff like that just to gain.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    First of all kudos to you for getting to your goal! You're inspiring! Second of all, Remember this was a lifestyle change so continue to eat fruits and vegetables and if you're looking to get more calories of good food, eat some almonds, avocados, etc. You can get there. Way to be proactive!
  • Are you able to switch out some of your work outs to maybe just a walk? Adding a few bites extra of avacado, almonds and bananas will see you soak up some more calories. Congrats on your success!
  • jkludlow
    jkludlow Posts: 2 Member
    This may be dumb, but.... Sometimes I have to play "mind games" with myself. What if you set your goal to gain 1 lb a week instead of .5 lbs. Then you could see that negative calorie number, but still be eating enough good food to gain a half pound a week. You would have to look at what the calorie difference is and make an effort to make sure you are eating within the range from the half pound and the full pound every day. Which is why it's kind of dumb. You know your real calorie goal, but you have set the system up to give you that message you are craving.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Personally, when I am at my goal, I stop logging my food and hide my scale. I use how I feel in my pants. I use a pair that can't stretch at all. Food is not the enemy, you have to relearn your relationship with food.

    Good luck
  • Congatulations on the loss

    Be careful

    you sound like someone I new years ago in college. You may have progrmmed yourself to reach a goal and may not be able to let go of it. Don't let all your hard work go to waste. Find someone who really knows their stuff and talk to them about what you should be eating/doing to maintain.

    It will help yo stay lean healthy and happy
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    Thank you all for your advice. I do eat almonds as a snack sometimes. I also do a couple different BL & Jillian dvds, so I am getting cardio with weight workouts.
    I guess I am just afraid that I am turning into someone with a food problem. I constantly worry about how much sugar and sodium stuff has. I won't eat anything if it will make me go way over my allotment even when I am hungry. I drink about 10-12 cups of water a day if not more. I am trying to at least come within 200 calories of my goal every day to try to train my body to eat more and not get too low.
    AHHHHH! I can't stop logging, cuz I'm addicted :-)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Congratulations on hitting your goal!

    First off, are you going to be okay when you see a gain on your scale? Not to sound silly or goofy or over dramatic, but I am very familiar with starvation mode. Are you prepared mentally to gain? If not you might want to talk to someone about it. Its a VERY hard process to reverse. You have to rewire everything that has been hard wired in your head. Obviously you are taking the right steps but its incredibly hard to do on your own! Maybe you could have a tad heavier breakfast? Have a protein shake during the day? Make a fruit smoothie? Breakfast was a huge thing with me. Really helped me get more calories into my day. I made sure I was getting between 300 and 400 a day in the morning to give myself a great start. Its hard to make yourself eat especially when you don't always have an appetite for it. We are all here for you on MFP. All on different parts of the journey but all working towards the same thing: A Healthy Us! :o)
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