Concerned: pics of kids



  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Bending over and showing your thong isn't classy
    Oh damn
    :wink: :tongue:
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    Not really..I have a few of my kids in my profile
    How about all the adults in their bras and underwear
    I know we are trying to track and show our weight lose/progress which is great (which everyone should be proud of) but I think there is a line some people cross...intentionally

    just curious. a pic of someone in their bra and underwear is different than a pic of someone in their bikini? and if so, how?

    most times bras and underwear cover more
  • seemichellerun
    I'm not exactly sure what you're afraid of.

    That a stranger is going to stalk your kids via pictures they found on a website? There are more pressing things to worry about. The chances of a kid being abducted by a stranger are the same as them being struck by lighting. Majority of kidnappings/sexual abuse on kids are from family members or people the child knows. You should be more concerned about "Uncle Joe" than "stranger danger."
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    In my former life, I was an Assault Prevention Specialist. I have done programs for families on how to keep themselves and their kids safe in both cyber and real space.

    The posting of pics of you children on Family Monitored Sites (sites where parents can monitor their kids activity by linking directly to their activity) is not a documented problem. Stalkers do not target sites where parents are actively involved. They target sites where kids socialize WITHOUT parental knowledge or presence.

    I would be more concerned about my kids providing their real name on a site like World of Warcraft than I would here or even Facebook (where my kids must allow me unfiltered visual access to their account until they are 18 years old - house rule).

    There is a lot of fear mongering by the press and services that make money (or raise money) by making parents afraid for the safety of their kids. The truth is, we live in an age when our children have NEVER been safer.

    I highly recommend a book called "Protecting the Gift" by Gavin DeBecker if you want some very good advice on how to raise kids while giving them the freedom and independence they need.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I'm not exactly sure what you're afraid of.

    That a stranger is going to stalk your kids via pictures they found on a website? There are more pressing things to worry about. The chances of a kid being abducted by a stranger are the same as them being struck by lighting. Majority of kidnappings/sexual abuse on kids are from family members or people the child knows. You should be more concerned about "Uncle Joe" than "stranger danger."

    Well said.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I'm not exactly sure what you're afraid of.

    That a stranger is going to stalk your kids via pictures they found on a website? There are more pressing things to worry about. The chances of a kid being abducted by a stranger are the same as them being struck by lighting. Majority of kidnappings/sexual abuse on kids are from family members or people the child knows. You should be more concerned about "Uncle Joe" than "stranger danger."

    For me it is just the thought of someone else having pictures of my kids. I don't think if they see one they will kidnap or assault them. I don't want some pervert doing who knows what with a picture of my kid on the screen. Is it likely to happen...probably not and would I ever know....nope but I want to protect them as long as I can. Once they are older I will worry what THEY put out there but for the mean time mama bear will protect the cubs!
  • seemichellerun
    I'm not exactly sure what you're afraid of.

    That a stranger is going to stalk your kids via pictures they found on a website? There are more pressing things to worry about. The chances of a kid being abducted by a stranger are the same as them being struck by lighting. Majority of kidnappings/sexual abuse on kids are from family members or people the child knows. You should be more concerned about "Uncle Joe" than "stranger danger."

    For me it is just the thought of someone else having pictures of my kids. I don't think if they see one they will kidnap or assault them. I don't want some pervert doing who knows what with a picture of my kid on the screen. Is it likely to happen...probably not and would I ever know....nope but I want to protect them as long as I can. Once they are older I will worry what THEY put out there but for the mean time mama bear will protect the cubs!

    So, does that mean you don't show pictures to your friends and family either? Statically, those would be the "perverts" doing who knows what with a picture of you kid.

    I'm not trying to snark you or be mean. I have a son myself who I love more than anything in this world. I just come across a lot of parents who buy into the fear mongering and stress over things they have no control over while taking for granted things they can control (like car seat safety and sex ed).
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I'm not exactly sure what you're afraid of.

    That a stranger is going to stalk your kids via pictures they found on a website? There are more pressing things to worry about. The chances of a kid being abducted by a stranger are the same as them being struck by lighting. Majority of kidnappings/sexual abuse on kids are from family members or people the child knows. You should be more concerned about "Uncle Joe" than "stranger danger."

    For me it is just the thought of someone else having pictures of my kids. I don't think if they see one they will kidnap or assault them. I don't want some pervert doing who knows what with a picture of my kid on the screen. Is it likely to happen...probably not and would I ever know....nope but I want to protect them as long as I can. Once they are older I will worry what THEY put out there but for the mean time mama bear will protect the cubs!

    So, does that mean you don't show pictures to your friends and family either? Statically, those would be the "perverts" doing who knows what with a picture of you kid.

    I'm not trying to snark you or be mean. I have a son myself who I love more than anything in this world. I just come across a lot of parents who buy into the fear mongering and stress over things they have no control over while taking for granted things they can control (like car seat safety and sex ed).

    To be honest I don't have a lot of friends and only my parents and 1 grandparent that I share pics with. Statistically they could be perverts but they also watch my kids so.... I can't help how I feel, that is just the way I am. I am very anal about car seats as well and do my best to keep my kids safe in any situation. Are my fears irrational...probably but I guess that what makes them fears not reality.