C25K advice/suggestions?

CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I am approaching my halfway point (3.5 pounds to go) and, when I reach that magic 50 pounds gone, I am seriously considering starting C25K.

I've read through the program and I think it's very doable (provided my mild asthma decides to be not-so-nice to me), especially since I exercise regularly anyway; however, I was wondering if I could get some advice from people who have done the program -- especially anyone who has done the program while still very overweight (I will still have another 50 pounds to go).

Do you recommend running outside or on a treadmill? I thought a treadmill would make it easier to keep track of the intervals, but running outside would have the benefits of being able to change speeds without having to adjust the numbers on a machine AND get me used to running on uneven ground, which is what happens in a real 5K.

I saw that there were podcasts you could download that would tell you when to change from walking to running and back again, but there are also things you can download that just have music that changes at each interval. What do you recommend?



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think running outside is easier if you can do that, sometimes on the treadmill you pick a speed and stick with it, but adjust naturally when you are outside. I downloaded the DJ Beatsmith Podcast, pod-runner intervals and I thought they were ok, they are a techno mix with a chime to let you know when to run/walk. If you don't like techno music, or if the workout is the same for three days the music doesn't change so you might get sick of it. I never found the ap that made the chime using your own music, so sometimes I would just use a stopwatch and listen to my own music.
    I repeated a week if I couldn't do it, and I was at week 7 or 8 for awhile, don't get discouraged and give up. even though the program works gradually toward running for 30 minutes, it might take your body longer.
    My other advice, if you haven't already, google "the chi of running" on youtube. The advice there on running form was really good for me and kept me injury and pain free, I think.
    Good luck!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hi - I am actually starting this on Monday with 60 pounds to lose, this is the first thing I am doing and I haven't been working out at all like you have been. One thing that was suggested to me and that I highly suggest to you is make sure you have proper running shoes before you start, I didn't and had to go out and buy some and start over (I was planning on starting this past Monday). I have also downloaded the C25K app as well as the weekly podcasts from here http://runningintoshape.com/5k-training-downloads/ that incorporate music along with when you are supposed to walk, run, etc. I am also doing this inside on a treadmill as it is impossible to do it outside at this time of year. This is what I am using to attack the C25K and I am looking forward to starting and the results.

    I hope I helped you a little bit and Good Luck :smile:
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Oh, I should probably have mentioned that I live in Tucson, Arizona - so the weather really isn't an issue for me. :smile:
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I'm pretty overweight still and I started doing the program without too much trouble. However I've only finished week 1 so far so we'll see how the rest goes. Currently I'm running it on a treadmill indoors because it's icy and snowy outside. Find some good music to listen to and you should be motivated and running smooth.

    Also from personal experience the hardest part for me for any cardio is getting started, but once I get going and start to sweat I feel really pumped and could go on forever!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Running outside is way easier, IMO. Especially when you first get started. Treadmills are hard to get motivated for, even now that I am a semi-seasoned runner and really love running. I say do whatever motivates you! And yes - the podcast seem like a really great addition to the program so I would highly recommend using them! Good luck Cory :bigsmile:

    Edit - I didn't do C25K specifically, but I started running about 45lbs ago and didn't have too many problems. Slow and steady and you should be alright!
  • I took up running last year at about 40 lbs overweight. I think motivation is the key, and you clearly have that. Well done on your weight loss so far!

    Treadmill vs. outside:
    I would suggest BEGINNING on a treadmill. I know people are going to disagree with me, but it helped me in the beginning because I was able to pace myself better. Set your treadmill at a 1-2 incline—this helps to balance the fact that you're not propelling yourself as you would outside, and also makes up for the lack of wind resistance.

    About half way though your training, you'll slowly want to transition to outside running. Since you have mild asthma, you'll probably want to acclimate your lungs by doing a good 5-10 minute walk before you start running. That cold air can really make your lungs tighten up if you're not used to it (assuming you live somewhere cold).

    One important thing to keep in mind is that you won't be running your 5K inside, so you shouldn't rely solely on your inside training. Your outside training is what's really going to matter. That being said...don't be afraid to use the treadmill sometimes.

    Overall...take it slow, be safe, and enjoy your training. The more fun you have with it, the more likely you'll stick with it. If this is helpful, and you have any other questions, feel free to hit me up. :)

    Good luck!!!!!
  • Nikkip130
    Nikkip130 Posts: 18 Member
    i have done this program....It literally took me from the couch way beyond a 5k....
    when i started the first week was hard could not even get through the 60 sec of run!!!!
    now i can do an hour easy :)
    i know if i can do it u can do it too
    just stay with the program...let me know how u come along :)
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    Just started this week! I'm at least 90 pounds overweight and I'm having no trouble in that department. That being said, I am starting on the treadmill to get the pacing down, and to keep my sports-asthma under control. Cold and beginning running? No way! then again you're in AZ, I'm in MD where we just got dusted with some snow.
    So, get good shoes, and good socks, and go for it!
  • Hi,

    I started C25K about 2 weeks ago and I have 45 pounds to lose. It is super user friendly because you are not "training" for speed, you are training for time.

    Basically, I just tell myself to complete each workout and go! I use a tredmill and I have a post-it note with my "run times" listed on it so I know when I hit 5 minutes, it is time to run, then at 8.5, and so on.... There are days when it seems a little bit harder, but I reassure myself that I am going to be okay....just keep going!

    Good luck! You can do it!!! Just remember to run to complete the weekly goals, not for distance unti you are a real runner!!!
  • Definitely outside running - it's more enjoyable to me plus you have variations such as temp, elevation & wind to factor in! Of course your races will be mainly roadraces anywyas. I can hardly stand running on a treadmill now because it's just plain boring plus I feel it's harder. I have done 2 half-marathons & a ton of 5k's but can hardly push past a mile on the DREADMILL!!!!!!!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hey Cory darling!

    I'm seeing a lot of varying opinions which is awesome! Different things work for different people! I've got to say, for me, starting off on the treadmill was definitely best. You do want more control in the beginning. I was anything but graceful when I first started and needed to see a clock, how fast I was going and how far I had come. That way I could push myself further, longer, and faster. I am currently training for a half marathon and plan at week 5 to start running outdoors. It will be the beginning of February in ILLINOIS, lol...but at that point I will be running on average 15-17 miles a week and will hopefully be able to manage the outdoors a tad better! :o) I can't wait! The view! The pavement! Everything! I can't wait! Since you live where it is toasty you will be able to duck outdoors sooner however I really suggest starting on a treadmill first. Coming from someone who had never run before in their life...it really helped me!! :o)
  • I forgot to add - find a reliable running buddy! If I didn't have one there would be no running whatsoever!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member

    I started C25K about 2 weeks ago and I have 45 pounds to lose. It is super user friendly because you are not "training" for speed, you are training for time.

    Basically, I just tell myself to complete each workout and go! I use a tredmill and I have a post-it note with my "run times" listed on it so I know when I hit 5 minutes, it is time to run, then at 8.5, and so on.... There are days when it seems a little bit harder, but I reassure myself that I am going to be okay....just keep going!

    Good luck! You can do it!!! Just remember to run to complete the weekly goals, not for distance unti you are a real runner!!!

    I do the same post-it note thing!

    I do mine on the treadmill...still cold and snowy in Ohio, plus I do it at 5 am!

    Trust the program and remember you are stronger and tougher than you think! Good Luck!
  • I am a C25K grad, and now do triathlons and 1/2 marathons, working towards full marathons. I also have asthma and I would say when the weather is too cold, run indoors on a treadmill, otherwise enjoy the outdoors. You can use a watch to do the pacing, or you can use the podcasts. I like to listen to Audible books when I run or ride my bike, so I was not interested in the music podcasts that much. It would have been nice to just have the chime to remind me to switch off..... Now I pretty much train based on heart rate and zones so that drives the speed at which I am running or walking now.

    As to your weight now, just make sure you have some good shoes and that you have scheduled time off to rest.

  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I still have at least another 55 lbs to lose... and i have asthma as well. I've never been able to run.. so this is a major challenge for me. I'm not going to tell you it's easy... sometimes my thighs are burning (haha) but you will be SO proud of yourself after each day. My gym has an indoor track... so I usually use that (boo for New England winters). I have an ipod touch so i downloaded the get running app. The voice tells you when to walk and run while being able to listen to your own music. Though the podcasts are pretty good too. I've also started a couch to 5k thread on here... feel free to join :)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    what kind of phone do you have???
    runkeeper.com is offering their pro app free this month until 1/31 - it usually costs 9.99

    you can set up the c25k intervals in the program and it will give you audio cues so you can run outside based on time or distance as it tracks you with the gps in your phone.....you can use your own music from your phone instead of the preselected stuff on the podcasts....

    i have the iphone but i think it is also for the android?

    i have been using runkeepr since august 2009 and highly recommend it.....i started using it when i was training for my 1/2 marathon and now use it to train for my first 5k with the c25k program from coolrunnings.com....i repeated wk 5 and 6 many many times and actually stopped the program in december when i was really sick with bronchitis...still walked just no running....i need to pick it back up, just not sure if i want to start at week one again or if i can jump back in at like week 3 or 4.....

    good luck and enjoy the c25k experience...

    ps - i personally prefer running outside....sooooo much more interesting.....but will use the treadmill in a pinch...
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Oh, I should probably have mentioned that I live in Tucson, Arizona - so the weather really isn't an issue for me. :smile:

    then definitely run OUTSIDE....
  • I am bringing to think sometimes that we are soul sisters. I had the very same thought this morning. I actually went out after work today and bought running shoes. I have an app on my phone and I was planning to start c25k in the morning. Glad you posted this! I love reading all the feedback.

  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I am bringing to think sometimes that we are soul sisters. I had the very same thought this morning. I actually went out after work today and bought running shoes. I have an app on my phone and I was planning to start c25k in the morning. Glad you posted this! I love reading all the feedback.


    Ok, ok. Apparently I am going to start tomorrow, too adn not wait to lose another 3.5 pounds - we CAN do this! :smile:
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    I will FINALLY be starting the c25k on Monday. I threw out my back a few weeks back and have been totally discouraged -- not even counting calories, gained back a few pounds. I am so ready to start this -- like you, I have got the west coast weather on my side here in SoCal. I have about 40-50 lbs to lose and basically little to no exercise for the past two and a half years (had two kids in the interim). I'm ready to lose that pregnant pooch I've been sporting and get off my *kitten*! Good luck to everyone!
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