dvoelker Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss


  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Never heard of it, but I am interested in hearing more about it.
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    It's about limiting your sugar intake to reduce your belly works!
  • Imagine that... eat better and lose fat! You don't need a book for that. All of the info you need is freely available on the internet. Eat more protein, less simple carbs (eat complex carbs instead), and eat less fat (try to eat good fats link monounsaturated fats).

    If calories in < calories out, you'll lose weight.

    There's no magic diet, no magic pill, nothing like that. Eat better, exercise more, and you'll see results. Guaranteed by biology.
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    I am on his email list (Jorge Cruise) and he has some good tips. After following his advise and limiting my sugars to under 15 grams a day, which is not easy, my stomach has really shrunk!
  • Again, limiting sugar intake is nothing new. I don't understand how there can be an entire program on this. Can someone fill me in?

    -edit- I just read his website. A bunch of fluff and fancy language, but nothing groundbreaking or new that isn't already out there. It's basically what I just said in the above post. Eat less sugars and simple carbs.

    But hey, if his program works for you, fine.
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    Again, limiting sugar intake is nothing new. I don't understand how there can be an entire program on this. Can someone fill me in?

    -edit- I just read his website. A bunch of fluff and fancy language, but nothing groundbreaking or new that isn't already out there. It's basically what I just said in the above post. Eat less sugars and simple carbs.

    But hey, if his program works for you, fine.

    She just asked if anyone knew what the program was about, geez, I like Jorge Cruise and his program, you don't, we get it, go bash HCG or something else now!
  • patricepeop
    patricepeop Posts: 50 Member
    I started the Belly Fat Cure last January and lost 50 pounds! I also credit logging everything here on MFP. I had tried lots of diets and exercise programs that did not work for me at all. This one works for me!
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    it's the best weight loss lifestyle there is ... i'm following it and i'm totally loving it ... i can eat chips , french fries om nom nom and still lose weight ... i totally recommend it !

    and feel free to add me if u guys r following it ^_^
  • Oh man....sugar is my weakness. So this belly fat cure, is a book? Or can you find it on a website?
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    a co-worker got it. lost 10 lbs. in 2 months. says it's the greatest thing ever! then she stopped losing. hates it now. blames it being written for men. I asked her if she stuck with the plan. she kinda gave vague answers.(i.e. excuses) I simply replied "I see." I didn't ask further. I think she gave up. alot of different plans out there can work but you have to follow and stick to it. it's easy to see with my co-worker she didn't stick to it so stopped working. she blames the Jorge plan on being sexist for not working. lol!

    *edit. fixed some spelling. it's late ^.^
  • :smile: I saw the adver. for it on the fitnesspal, and havent tried it and was looking to see if anyone tried it also. Goodluck K
  • :smile: How long have you used it. K
  • all calories are not equal..that is all calories don't are not the same..oh, they may have the same amount of calories, say in a twinkie vs a millet flax pizza crust but they don't do the same thing in the body. one hurts and one profits. Not only does he promote a healthier amount of sugar he also promotes food that benefits and feeds the cells in the body..that are constantly dying off and changing..sugar breeds cancer and other harmful things overtime in the body..

    Quite frankly their are people that think the body will get what it needs from any t;ype of food just because they have never educated wonder white bread is still on the shelf.LOL

    HCG. na don't want to mess with the hormones..cancer
  • actually it is how we all should be eating. It is low glycemic..good for the heart..nothing fad about it.
  • It is a wonderful program for women especially over 40. I have had success with other programs in the past, but when I hit 40(ish) things that did work in the past do not work now. The sugar seems to be the missing link for me. Mind you that I did not eat candy, it is the hidden sugar that gets you. Like 12 grams is yogurt- 11 grams in milk. 26 grams is orange juice.
    Try it if you have not had success with other things. Or, I guess you could ask Matt, he seems to know,all about this science, since this was no surprise to him.....
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    It is a wonderful program for women especially over 40. I have had success with other programs in the past, but when I hit 40(ish) things that did work in the past do not work now. The sugar seems to be the missing link for me. Mind you that I did not eat candy, it is the hidden sugar that gets you. Like 12 grams is yogurt- 11 grams in milk. 26 grams is orange juice.
    Try it if you have not had success with other things. Or, I guess you could ask Matt, he seems to know,all about this science, since this was no surprise to him.....

    Yes, it does open your eyes to the surprising sugar content in food you thought was good for you ie: fruit, yogurt, milk, packaged oatmeal, raisins, cereal, protein bars, etc. Also, he advises to beware of packaging that says "No sugar added", as it probably already has tons in it!!!
  • grbuzz
    grbuzz Posts: 1
    I tried it to the letter. It did not work for me. I lost 1 1/2 lbs the first week and that was all.

    However I must say that I eat very well anyway. Had some really tastey recipes.
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    We have the books and love it. It is working for us. It was an eye opener of how much sugar is in most of our foods, we thought we were eating good until we had checked the sugar content.
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