The TV Show "I Used To Be Fat" ??????



  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    All I know is with that HUNKY yummy trainer she had, I think I could be motivated to do just about anything! OMG! Did he not have the most gorgeous bod?

    LOL I left the show on my DVR not so I could rewatch and be motivated by the girl's 90 lb weight loss, but so I could go back and be motivated by the trainer!! Loved him!

    Yes, he was a hottie! I was diggin on him as well....... LOL
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Okay--so, yes, it is POSSIBLE to lose 90 pounds in 90 days, but seriously, who thinks that is a good idea?? In three months you are just barely beginning to make new habits your own. I've been seriously working on this for 7 months, and I still went totally bonkers at Christmas. I hadn't learned good coping mechanisms for the constant onslaught of Christmas goodies. I think I learned a couple of things this year that I will hopefully remember next year, but if I had lost 90 pounds in 3 months and then been sent out on my own, truly bad things would have happened. Just saying.

    Of course that doesn't mean I won't watch the show!
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    I saw that too and I couldn't believe she lost all that weight in a short amount of time. I thought loosing that much per week was unhealthy and if she stops doesn't the weight come back on? I'd love to lose that much but I'd rather take longer to do it and know I'd be able to keep it off. A personal trainer like hers would be nice :)
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    I love this show, but honestly it pisses me off that they can lose that fast!!!! But the faster you lose the faster you gain it all back! vice-versa! They have a personal trainer and then what happens when they begin to feel comfortable and noone to push them to continue? I hope they dont ever get back to the way they were but im just saying....
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I had a really hard time watching it and had to turn it off. It is not healthy, and not realistic. It did not motivate me, it actually did the opposite. Too much is focused on 'weight' and 'vanity' and not 'health'. I'm on MFP because I want to be healthy and losing that much weight in such a short amount of time is anything but. Those "losers" are also not learning the tools they will need to keep the weight off, so how is this really going to help them in the long run?
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I agree with charmagne as well. And I hope that the trainer stressed to them how important it is to continue to exercise and porton control. But my own history would say that probably won't happen. I only saw the one with Marci, man that dude had nerves of steel dealing with her! :noway: I am going to watch Gabriella later today. So I think Marci totally could have lost it in 3 months she had all the componants to make that happen no school, very supportive mother, a personal trainer, motivation, she's 18, and as someone else here said, she had never been physically active before so her body and metabolism got a big shake up, ALSO she cut out all that fast food. Given all that, yes it was totally feasible that she could do it. I couldn't shake the feeling though that her weight IS going to come back, oneday. Mostly because she is so young and her love for fast food isn't gone. I hope it doesn't but like I said my own history with weight loss and gain says it probably will :frown:
    They just showed a preview of next week with a young man who has a lot more challenges as far as his family's support. But I love transformations so I will be watching! So IMO yes it can happen in 3 months and if you notice these are very YOUNG people who's metabolism is ready and waiting for them to get moving, that is a huge advantage when it comes to losing a large amount of weight in a short time. Any of us could lose a considerable amount of weight if that is ALL we have to do each and every day for any length of time.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    All I know is with that HUNKY yummy trainer she had, I think I could be motivated to do just about anything! OMG! Did he not have the most gorgeous bod?

    LOL I left the show on my DVR not so I could rewatch and be motivated by the girl's 90 lb weight loss, but so I could go back and be motivated by the trainer!! Loved him!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: hey girl whatever works for YOU!! Are you talking about MARCI'S trainer? :smooched:
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    yeah, maybe they just show 90 days for TV purposes but in reality it's really longer. Heck, it took me 6 weeks to lose 25 pounds and I started out heavier than the girls on the last 2 episodes! If I could afford a trainer by all means I would hire one but the reality is I can't so like most on here, I'm on my own and with the help of all my friends on MFP. I must admit, even though I have lost 25 pounds it doesn't feel like much considering I have 125 more to go. IT may seem like a lot to some people but to me it really doesn't even make a dent. I know you have to start someone and eventually it will add up to bigger numbers. I try not to get discouraged and I keep moving forward but God help me on those days I just feel so fat and unmotivated. I don't want to go back to the way I was eating and how I felt so I will continue on this path of healthier eating and exercising. I know in the end it will all be worth it and the way I feel about myself!

    You lost 25 pounds in 6 weeks! That in itself is a huge victory! You are doing it right girl...keep going :flowerforyou:
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    You might lose 90 lbs in 90 days if you work out like crazy, eat only 2 shakes and a sensible dinner, but what then? You go back to eating 'normally' and the weight creeps back on.

    I eat what I love and do activities that I love and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. Sure, it took me longer than 90 days to get where I am, but my reward for my patience is that I get to stay here for the rest of my life. THAT, and my journey wasn't a miserable one.

    Slow and steady :)


    THIS! Long-lasting success takes time... How many quick "fixes" have we all tried and how many of those pounds just piled back on? I'm willing and ready to be patient and slow with my weight loss and enjoy myself along the way because I want it to last forever. Slow and steady all the way!

    I've been on my journey for years now...
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I hate shows like that. They're downright mean to the contestants and it can't be healthy to lose that quickly. Plus, you're not learning real 'lifestyle changes'. You're learning how to lose weight fast by pushing yourself hard and barely eating. When they try to go home and live life without the planned meals and working out all day, I imagine they gain all that weight right back. (I've heard that a lot of the people from Biggest Loser do.) Personally, I want to learn changes I can stick with my whole life, like an exercise routine I can enjoy, and better food choices.
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    I love that show, but nobody in real life who doesn't have a trainer following them around every day can lose weight like that.
  • mayana2002
    Losing that fast will make you look like a bat, you will be able to wrap yourself with the extra skin from your arms... I am very tempted and had done crazy diets in the past... We need give time to our body to shrink the skin. I am already flacid and getting older, so I don't risk like I used to in the past.... But yes, it tempts me
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    All I know is with that HUNKY yummy trainer she had, I think I could be motivated to do just about anything! OMG! Did he not have the most gorgeous bod?

    LOL I left the show on my DVR not so I could rewatch and be motivated by the girl's 90 lb weight loss, but so I could go back and be motivated by the trainer!! Loved him!

    I might have the find it on demand so that I can enjoy some candy, eye candy that is :love:
  • sosasooner
    to lose 90 lbs in 90 days is not heathe if you do body lose this mush you may just gane it all back. from what I know you need to lose 2 lbs a week. I do not know how anybody loses this mush in one day. this person would have to work out very hard. and to me I also know that you cannot drink your callors. I don.t thank that I would do this even if I had a personer traner