Hello from Washington!

Hey everyone, I just joined the site on Monday. Does anyone have any good tips as far as making the site a success (other than being consistent in tracking and staying motivated)? I found out what 'bump' meant, that was a plus. haha

A little about me: I've been an emotional eater since I was a small child. I've never known what started it all and that alone has always bothered me. I made the choice however, that I will not let it hold me back, because the 'now' is what's important. I think that exercise and eating well, is just nothing I've ever been good at. I dieted when I was a kid all the time and I know that has not helped my metabolic situation. There were a few times in my life when I had lost weight and was proud of myself, but I've never reached my goal. The closest I've ever gotten, was when I was 21. I lost 54 pounds in 4 months, but not all on my own. The first 17 lbs. was lost by eating healthy and exercising, the rest came off because I had stomach problems and after 4 months of testing was diagnosed with IBS. The truth is, I found out 8 years later that I do not have IBS, I am gluten intolerant and I have a dairy sensitivity.

Probably the most ironic thing about me, is that I am fascinated by Nutrition. I took it in college, I have numerous books on it, I have the knowledge to do extremely well and to help others-even who have food allergies and sensitivities, and I learned everything I could from my naturopathic doctor, but my emotions somehow have always crept in and taken over when it comes to being successful myself. You wouldn't think people would ask the 'fat' girl for nutrition advice, but people sometimes do - and I am more than happy to give it.

At the beginning of last year, I was ready and I was doing awesome. I had lost 20 pounds in a couple months, then, when I wasn't expecting it- my dad, whom I am very close to, had open heart surgery. He had to have his aortic valve replaced and his mitral valve repaired. Naturally, not knowing how to deal with this, I turned to food. Ever since, it's been one thing after another. I had gotten a personal trainer, but now my eating wasn't the best, so now I was finally working out more, but I wasn't losing because my eating was out of control. Then, I'd get a muscle strain or sick. Then, a few months ago, my dad had a stroke. He's only 56 years old and his vision is now partially gone. He can no longer drive or do the things he enjoyed most. They say with strokes to always give it 6 months. Ever since it happened, he's been negative and I feel like he's given up. (I just had an hour long phone conversation with him that went really well though and we agreed to support each other). I have decided, however, that I am not going to use my dad or anything else for that matter as an excuse anymore. I have goals, and those goals are just waiting for me to meet them.

Ultimately in life, my goal is to be healthy and happy. I know what I want and I am ready to attack it. I have been taking courses to get my Personal Training Certification online so that 1. I can learn more to help myself on my journey, and 2. to be able to pay it forward and help others when I am where I want to be. It has become my dream job. I have always wanted to help people in some way. I was a dispatcher (911 and non emergency for police, fire, and ambulance) for 3 years. It was an amazing job and I was a trainer when I left. It's an amazing feeling knowing that you participate in saving people's lives and help get the bad ones locked up! However, the time came when working 7 12's on graveyard became too much and was so hard on my body. I never saw anyone outside of work, and to me, I had no choice but to search for something else. Now I have a job doing Project Controls for Engineering. It is a very stressful occupation, and to be honest, I cannot wait to get on with my journey and get out of what I am doing. I want to go back to saving people's lives, but in a completely different way than dispatching, so it's time to start with my own.

I hope I have not bored anyone and just a little about who I am as a person: I love doing things for charity. Every year, I do several charity walks that I raise money for (and I do it for my health) and my fiance just joined the Shriners, so we now help raise money for the Shriner hospitals and help put smiles on children's faces every day- which is what the organization is all about if you don't know who the Shriners are. I love doing crafts: crocheting, sewing, anything crafty and artistic- I love! I have ridden quads and snomobiled since I was a little kid. I love to sing and doing karaoke always helped me destress from a long work week. I am to be married September 15, 2012 and that is another goal in itself! I deeply care for other people and try to help out wherever it's needed. I have never put myself first, I've always strived to make others happy instead of myself. Now I am putting myself first, so I can become the person I want to be, and so that I can help so many other people once I get there. There is no one I fear of letting down or disappointing anymore, except for myself, for the first time in my life. I do not think that is selfish, I think that is a small accomplishment to be proud of.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story. Again, if you have any pointers, please let me know. :smile:


  • Jessifer123
    Wow...I was not bored...I was inspired. You sound like an amazing person:flowerforyou: I can totally relate to many of your struggles and can identify with always putting others first and not taking care of yourself due to taking care of others...I do the same thing. Heres to taking care of ourselves:flowerforyou: Keep up the great work!!!!
  • smilestb99
    Thank you so much. I can't tell you what that means to hear from a complete stranger. It was really hard to put a piece of my life story out there, because I've never done that. It's really hard admitting it all to myself and to the world, but I knew it was one of the first steps for me to help me on my journey. Plus, that's how you get support along the way, is to put yourself out there, right?

    BTW, anyone who would like to add me as a friend, I would love to share my journey with you and to accompany you on yours. :smile:
  • Jessifer123
    Yes It is very hard to put yourself out there to strangers but you should also be very proud of yourself for doing so. I agree that it is an important step in helping you to realize it for yourself. You are already on my friends list...and i'm looking forward to doing this journey together!!! :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Hello...fro Washington too!:smile:

    You are an amazing person inside and out! You WILL accomplish your goals...no doubt!

    Add me as a buddy if you like!
  • AnnaLeigh85
    AnnaLeigh85 Posts: 16 Member
    I wasn't bored with it either! Truly inspirational. It took me a long time to realize that food is like a drug. I joined the site a few months back, but only really started changing my diet and watching my calories on Christmas day. I weighed myself and discovered I weighed 10 pounds less then when I gave birth to my son. It was horrible. It is hard to stay motivated, but now that I have stopped eating all bad things, I never have the urge to get them. I have a somewhat similar story to yours regarding your father. My dad just turned 51 and has terminal cancer. I feel like I refuse to let myself deal with it and block out all the pain, but I may have been turning to food and not even realized it. I know you can do this! I am in Washington too by the way, well Washington state.
  • smilestb99
    Thank you all so much. It's true that when you are off foods for about a week, you do not crave them anymore. I was off sugar, gluten, dairy, caffeine, pretty much anything and everything last year when I was doing well. I started by eliminating everything except meat, vegetables (no starchy or any that grew underground- onions and garlic were okay), healthy fats, and one square of dark chocoalte a day. This was direction from my doctor btw, she knew I was ready to lose weight. That was the first four weeks. Then I was able to add some berries in, and not until I could add something else in and not crave it, was I ready for it. We were doing this for two reasons- the first, because I wanted to lose weight, and second because I wanted to slowly add foods back in to see if I have an allergy to them. We knew that I was okay with all meats, veggies, and fruits. Anyway, it wasn't until Easter when I had some mashed sweet potatoes and a glass of red wine, that the sugar cravings came back. Then my dad had the heart surgery shortly thereafter and the mixture of both the cravings and stress was too much. So, while my naturopathic doctor is super smart and I've gained so much knowledge from her, I have decided to take everything I know and just eat healthy and do things my own way. If I take away too many things then I feel deprived, and as long as I have the support from all of you wonderful people it will be fine. :smile:

    I am very sorry to hear about your dad. If there is anyway I can help you get through this tough time, please let me know. Nothing like this is ever easy.
  • smilestb99
    Oh, and I am also from Washington State, not DC :wink:
  • Jessifer123
    Feeling like the outsider all the way down here in FL :laugh: :laugh:
  • smilestb99
    It's okay, I'll take support from anywhere. It's all the same on the internet anyway!
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    thank you for sharing your story!

    i am so on the same page as you. reading your story felt like i was reading my own stuff. i love meeting people and we can support each other if thats what your looking to do. ive found that i do best when i am around people who just "get it" :)
  • smilestb99
    You're welcome, thank you for taking the time to read it. I would love to help support each other. From what I gather so far, that's what this site is all about!:flowerforyou:
  • burning_lily
    Just to let you know, I love you very, VERY much and you're my bestie and I'm here for you every step of the way. You and me, amiga, hand in hand, heart in heart... Let's do this for us and we WILL succeed!
  • smilestb99
    Thanks Mary, Love you too! Now I just have to get through this new hip injury (sigh...this too shall pass).