Still sick. Help!

Sick with this cold going on 2 weeks. Today I changed my goal to loose .5 pound a week from loosing 2 pounds a week. Going from 1200 cal a day to 1830 Cals. I am hoping giving myself a few more calories will help my body recover faster.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Is my logic crazy?

I have also been drinking water.. .Lots of it.
Taking vitiman C and fish oil (same as everyday)
and my probiotics.
also picked up some ECHINACEA. (I had been out for sometime)

I still can't kick this silly cold. Today at work just cleaning the glass entrence doors exausted me.


  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    You've definitely done the right thing, you need a few more calories when ill anyway but if you're having problems kicking a common cold it screams that your immunity is low. Up your calories, take a multi vitamin and if you still haven't shifted it in a week go to the DR's!