im new

hi im andrew i am a 22 year old colelge student my goal is to lose 70 pounds i have been on my own persoanl diet for the past 2 months and have lost 30 pounds i have 40 to go and jsut found my fitness pal my other goal is to run the race for the cure 5 k in june


  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey Andrew, this website is amazing I joined not to long ago, here you can find people with the same goals as you. Read post that can keep you motivated and so on. You have done a amazing job already. Good luck
  • Svmolina
    hi Andrew....welcome. I am new here too but I've been on other similar sites. I, too, am running a 5K. Mine is on April. I am very excited. Good luck. This is my second 5K so my only advice is to start walking/jogging the 3.3 miles at least twice a week. Then add some speed and more days as you feel comfortable. You have plenty of time.....take your time and read your body. Good luck!!!:wink: