I Shouldn't Be Frustrated After Week One....Right?



  • odaatsue
    I lost one pound, too, for my first week's effort. The thought that came into my mind was, Gee, if I do this 52 more times I'll be 52 pounds lighter! Now there's an image that keeps me motivated. The year is going to pass no matter what....so why not arrive at the end of it 52 pounds lighter?

    I say Good for you and Keep up the good work!

  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    1.5 in week is a great start! A positive attitude is so important.
  • purplespeckle
    I agree Since Jan 1 I've lost 1.2 :( I've also worked out every day except one day and done great with calorie intake. No pop. No candy. No fast food. :/ We can do this though.
  • purplespeckle
    I lost one pound, too, for my first week's effort. The thought that came into my mind was, Gee, if I do this 52 more times I'll be 52 pounds lighter! Now there's an image that keeps me motivated. The year is going to pass no matter what....so why not arrive at the end of it 52 pounds lighter?

    I say Good for you and Keep up the good work!


    "The year is going to pass no matter what....so why not arrive at the end of it 52 pounds lighter? " - That's great!!!! So motivating!!!! Thanks!!!!
  • purplespeckle
    Thanks everyone!! I will look at it as a loss and keep plugging along. I do watch the Biggest Loser and should probably stop because that is exactly why I was frustrated. I guess if I worked out for 8 hours a day I would see bigger numbers but since I don't I will be happy with 1.5 lbs.

    Thanks again for everyones encouragement!!

    Ohhh, I watch Biggest Loser too and their workouts are intense. They lose a butt-load of weight though. *Jealous* lol
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    YES that is a great loss!! Be proud!! Every single ounce of a loss is a win!! :)
    Don't get discouraged! You're doin great!!
  • brandygburke
    brandygburke Posts: 48 Member
    I think 1.5 in a week is great - you'll have some weeks when it will just fall right off and other weeks when it will sort of stagger a little, but the most important thing is to not give up on it, 1.5 pounds less this week than you were last week is still 1.5 pounds less, and that's progress!
  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29
    1.5lb is awesome! My weigh in is yet to come but if I could do as well as you I would be thrilled!

    My tip is this - last time I dieted I was sad I only lost a kilogram after working myself so hard for 2 weeks. But then when I picked up a 1kg bag of flour and felt its weight the realisation of what I achieved hit me. So next time you are in a shop pick up something equivalent to what you have lost, it helps you appreciate the difference made in a single week.

    (also, I'm sure someone will have said this, but perhaps the growth of more heavy muscle hides how well you've done?)
  • shaweetie
    shaweetie Posts: 33 Member
    Great job!! I totally understand the frustration though...I was staying within or under my calories, and working out every day, and not losing much if anything, so i changed my tracker to make sure and keep track of my sodium, as i was WAY over! It's really helped me since. Just a thought. Hang in there! You're doing great!
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Making sure your metabolism is working at it;s max ..It;s important. Don't skip meals , do eat your snacks :)
    I'm doing small meals and 3 snacks. No Frozen food or Fast Foods ..no soda not even diet :)

    Just focus on getting healthy ..you are doing great . :)