Exercises you find most challenging?

I can do just about every form of cardio, except running/jogging. I can do it in place at home, but when it comes to running outside its a bit more challenging. That is my goal. :happy:

I find mostly some strength training exercises really challenging like lunges (I can do side lunges better, and can do better lunges on my wii fit I guess thats my niche. ) I find push-ups to be really challenging, and I can do more reps of mod push-ups a little easier. Squats are a toss up..unless I'm doing a ballet type squats..thats easier for me. I'm just curious, what are you currently struggling on? What did you do to help you improve?


  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    For the longest time I struggled with running outside! Two things really helped me... first, I had a crazy hyper dog that needed exercise, and I live in Chicago and I got her in December... therefore, running kept me the warmest and outside for the least amount of time. Second, I started running at night. For me, I was able to really take my focus off of the running and just let myself go. I can't do it every time, but when it happens, I can run for 45 minutes without much difficulty (normally 20 is a stretch), I also feel like it's a type of meditation, I feel so rested when I'm done! It's not for everyone, but it works great for me, and I know my doggies will keep me safe :wink: Other than that, I have a tough time with plank-ups, which is where you hold yourself in a plank position on your hands, and then lower down one arm at a time until you're on your elbows, and then get back up. And jumping lunges... those are TOUGH but MAN do they work!!!
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I have a hard time with push-ups also. I just kept trying until I could do modified ones, then increased the amount I could do along with lifting light weights and slowing increasing the weight. Now I can actually do 2 (barely) regular push-ups, but 15 modified, then another set of 10 modified, then 7. I just keep trying to increase the number of modifed and increase the weights and that has seemed to help me. About once a week I try to do one more regular one to see if I've increased my strength yet.

    I'm also currently tryint to do pull-ups, but I just started so I can't even do 1 modifed one yet. It will just take time and I'm going to do the same as with the push-ups just keep slowly trying to increase until I can do 1 regular one and so on.
  • HotMomma86
    Push ups are really difficult for me, even the modified ones. I also have a problem doing squats. For some reason I have a hard time keeping my knees behind my toes. I love running though, it makes me feel amazing!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    push ups, which seems to be a lot of peoples, and i have the hubby that was in military and can do the ones that they push up and clap in between, so ugh. if i could do one thats my goal haha. running is my new goal. ive gotten up to 10 minutes and my goal is 30 minutes. ugh again. haha
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    push ups for me too... i have 2 plates in my left forearm which restricts my range of motion a bit, so i need to (attempt to) do the "on knuckle type" which isnt comfy... plus i have no upper body strength lol!

    But i have to say the most challenging, but in a good way, is hiking. Really long, difficult hikes test your strength, endurance and mental fortitude! The rewards are phenomenal though!! I am not hiking in the winter, but really realllllly look forward to my first late winter/early spring hike!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    push-ups & i definitely HATE pendulum lunges/floating lunges.
  • purplespeckle
    I can do just about every form of cardio, except running/jogging. I can do it in place at home, but when it comes to running outside its a bit more challenging. That is my goal. :happy:

    I find mostly some strength training exercises really challenging like lunges (I can do side lunges better, and can do better lunges on my wii fit I guess thats my niche. ) I find push-ups to be really challenging, and I can do more reps of mod push-ups a little easier. Squats are a toss up..unless I'm doing a ballet type squats..thats easier for me. I'm just curious, what are you currently struggling on? What did you do to help you improve?

    you should change that last goal to 11/11/11. i don't know. just beacuse. lol. lunges are hard for me. it kills my knees.
  • ropedancer
    I am NOT naturally athletic. I was always the kid that read books growing up instead of playing sports. There's quite a bit that I struggle with. I'm not a runner in any way shape or form (was always the kid that finished the mile run last in gym class) so I struggle with that. I also struggle with anything that requires upper body strength: weights, push ups, and I'm sure pull ups as well, even though I haven't attempted once since I was 13. I'm a weakling and sometimes it drives me nuts!
  • leiivarius
    I apologize for my childish answer, but I would have to say playing DDR (Dance Dance Revolution)
    x3 Speed, Challenge, on a mat.
    It burned approx 100 calories per two songs.
    But it tends to be difficult for beginners.
  • blt4dtuff
    Pull-ups. I can do one. It's one of the hardest exercises to do (hands facing forward), especially for someone carrying as much extra weight as I do.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Push ups are really difficult for me, even the modified ones. I also have a problem doing squats. For some reason I have a hard time keeping my knees behind my toes. I love running though, it makes me feel amazing!

    Focus on keeping your weight in your heels and your knees with pretty much stay behind your toes. That being said, they're SO much harder this way, but it's what I was told once and it really helps!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,430 Member
    Push ups are really difficult for me, even the modified ones. I also have a problem doing squats. For some reason I have a hard time keeping my knees behind my toes. I love running though, it makes me feel amazing!

    Focus on keeping your weight in your heels and your knees with pretty much stay behind your toes. That being said, they're SO much harder this way, but it's what I was told once and it really helps!

    Agree, that's the only way to do them. Any other way hurts my knees. Most difficult for me is push-ups (I can finally do a boy pushup!!! but only one with good form) and ballet squats with a body bar where you lower yourself and pulse. OMG, that kills me!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I used to despise all forms of exercise - until last year; now, as my fiance tells me, I am addicted - but this is a good addiction :tongue:

    I used to have a horrible time doing squats, lunges and planks - I thought my Baby Sister was seriously trying to torture me when I used to work out with her & she would make me do those. Now I love them & look forward to doing them (plus I've added ankle & wrist weights so I've upped the ante :tongue: )
    Then only one I still have issues with are squat/lunges also known as burpees - if I really want to sweat and feel the burn, a few of those work just fine :laugh:
  • aprylfischer
    I would recommend doing the exercises that are easy along with the ones that are challenging. They work different muscles so even if you can only do a few, do what you can. As you work and build those muscles those exercises will become easier and you will find yourself able to do more of them. That is the great thing about working out we can tailor it to our personal needs. The more muscle a person has the more calories they burn while just sitting there or sleeping at night. Keep on, keeping on and you'll get stronger and healthier!! Good luck:)
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I definitely cant jog/run maube for a few minutes inbetween walking but not for long periods....
    I also find lunnges and squats hard to do because they hurt my knees, sit ups are impossible I dont even bother to try, and so are push ups or any other excersise that requires me to put alot of weight on my arms....my arms are pretty weak