My Family is doubting my efforts

sweetsexy43 Posts: 99 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Im a bit dissapointed that my family doesnt believe im really serious this time around. Although i dont have to prove anything to do i ignore their doubt and keep from being discouraged?:cry:


  • Turn it into something positive. Take their doubt and fuel your fire with it! Lose the weight and prove them wrong!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Exactly show them they are wrong..
  • You are doing this for yourself and not for them, so you go girl and prove them wrong!!!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    ive never lost this much weight the proof is in the system should work for you workout hard and lose that weight and show them
  • doramouse
    doramouse Posts: 160
    Have you said you were going to do it before and not done it? That was me until I got tired of saying I was going to do it and I just did it - or am doing it ;) I talk about it all the time to my husband and family. I tell them my goals, my food success during the day and point out each small triumph. After a couple months they got on board. Just stay strong and do it for YOU and they will see it and support you. It's mostly important to you so do it for you.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    F 'em - prove them, and yourself that they're wrong!
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Wow, I am sad to hear your family is not supportive. Use all of us as your family. You've got lots of people here that will support you. You can do it. Make them eat their words. :tongue:
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    you CAN do it! We are all here for you!
  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    I feel a bit differently... I do this for ME. I'm not concerned about what other people are thinking or feeling, I'm determined to make healthy changes for me.

    The bonus? My hubby sees my progress and is trying to exercise more and make healthier food choices.

    Good luck with your efforts!

  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    I know it is hard when you hear things from the ones closest to you. Just as they have said in the above comments, do it anyway!! This site is so supportive and inspiring. Make every new friend here that you can. We will be your support system!! Friend me if you wish!!
  • Hang in there and remember you're doing this for yourself and no one can keep you from reaching your goals but yourself.....proving you can do what you set your mind too is an awesome feeling....I promise :smile:
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    My mom would always tell me that "something must be wrong with me" since I was exercising so much and not losing weight. There was something wrong, but not with me. I just wasn't monitoring my calories properly. Anyway, usually what people dislike or comment negatively about regarding you is something they have a weakness in themselves. Do it to show them who was right all along, but most importantly, do it for yourself because that is what matters the most. They are just obstacles in your path that you can push out of your way and keep running.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Turn it into something positive. Take their doubt and fuel your fire with it! Lose the weight and prove them wrong!

    I agree! My older brother said he wouldn't truly believe in me until I had lost 50 pounds. Look at me now! 108 pounds! Take that sucka!! Lol.
  • i agree. start proving them wrong and eventually they'll shush up. ;)
  • Focus on yourself :)
  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    I am sorry they are not supportive, hopefully they will come around. Prove them wrong.....this is about you and you can do it!! hang in there:)
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Hang in there and keep doing what you're doing!! You know you'll feel better once you lose weight, exercise regularly, and eat right!! And you can do it!!
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    This is about you. You are going to lose the weight. Do not pay them any mind. We are all here for you on MFP. Make sure you have a lot of us on your friends list for support. Like they all said...Prove them all wrong. YOU CAN AND WILL DO THIS!!!!
  • sometimes people feel threatened by changes THEY don't control... strange as it may seem, there is security in it for them when you stay status quo (or so it feels). But you go right ahead and just forge forward loving yourself enough to get thru the meantime until they snap their heads outta their a$$es and see what a great thing this truly is becoming for you!! Wishing you tons of luck on your journey!!!
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    yes, that is very difficult. family is family. people are very supportive on this site and I hope it makes you feel better. In my home life people are sometimes supportive and sometimes not. for example, my mom bought all the crap I can't eat and filled my house with it, and my husband just flat-out refused to go for a walk with me so now I have to friggin exercise alone, which i hate to do.

    Review YOUR goals and why YOU want to be different, why YOU want to make this change. Sorry to use caps but i have to in order to kind of emphasize the part of the sentence that matters.

    For me, there is only 3 reasons I am losing weight, and only 2 that really matter to me right now, today: 1) arthritis 2) pregnancy 3) be a hot wife for my sexy husband

    What are your reasons?

    If you care to read on, these are the reasons behind MY reasons:

    The less weight I carry, the easier it is on my joints and nursing school is wicked stressful, and that makes me rheumy. I am not pregnant yet, but I am 27 and I wanna have kids. Having taken OB and pediatrics in nursing school, I realize that for me to feel comfortable and believe that I have done absolutely everything in order to give those kids the best shot at life, I have to be healthy a year in advance of the pregnancy, and for that entire year. A year of maintenance at a good starting weight (BMI 21-22), of good nutrition (folate, iron, calcium, vit. D, B vitamins),stable blood sugars, a year of core strength training. pregnancy is hard on the body and labor is work and it's good to have strong vasculature and ab muscles; I don't really want diastasis recti but if it happens or if I need a c-section, i want my ab muscles to recover well. that means starting off with a better hand of cards than I have right now, today. So, those are my goals.

    Yes, I have tried and failed before, but every time I write 'em down and read 'em over again, I become more committed. Yes, I really hope I make it this time. Yes, I have been trying for 4 years to lose weight, and I lose and gain, lose and gain. This is the first year I have a genuinely good reasons all to myself that aren't really dependent on some vain or non-specific health related reason. And I'm gonna make it this time and maintain.
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