Not getting enough calories...

I know that I am sabotaging my own weight loss, but the past three days I can't get enough calories -I'm logging everything, and I am still at 400-600 remaining calories (without any exercise) - I've been so busy during the day that I can't find a lot of time to eat at work - and I hate to eat late at night because I know those calories just sit on me... in previous days of my life, I was drinking a days worth of calories just in dr pepper - there's no happy medium!
So which is better - too low calories or eating at night? Any ideas?

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  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    Try and get some snacks throught the day.

    Peanuts, fruits, yogurt etc... it really helps and drink tons of water! I live by peanuts and fruits!
  • Pattilynne
    i have calories left over at the end of the day, and i have been trying to find a healthy snack to make up for it, but it is a challenge to find something that tastes really good and is filling at the same time without totally blowing everything i've done all day
  • Bukopie474
    lol on your dancing naked goal weight
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I snack on small packs of almonds for a couple of hundred calories a shot.
  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    I TOTALLY FEEL YA ON THIS! i try to stay somewhat under calories, but yet i got over a little in fats and sugars! But then MFP tells you even i your under calories and over in fats and stuff that your undereating and your starving yourself! its a catch 22!!!

    also, brandy, we have pretty close to the same weight loss goals :) Awesome:tongue:
  • Dteg
    Dteg Posts: 86 Member
    Not eating enough is hurting you more then not eating at all. You body is probably going into starvation mood since it is not getting enough to keep fueled. my advice is to bring a prepackaged snack to work like baby carrot sticks or trail mix that way it wont go bad during the day but you can eat bits and pieces while you can. I work in the medical field and am running around all day while at work. This helps me to hunger at bay and not skipping anything.
  • brandygburke
    brandygburke Posts: 48 Member
    Laughing cow cheese is yummy as a snack, eat it with wheat thins, one triangle of spread is like 35 calories - and if you spread it on the crackers, you can do 7 crackers in a half of a wedge/traingle. They have many flavors. Unfortunately I don't have time to spread cheese on crackers at my desk these days -- in accounting work - so the beginning of the year and the end of the year sucks :)
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    If this continues to be a problem I would recommend tacking on some extra calories at breakfast. When I travel I eat a 450-500 breakfast vs. my normal 300ish because I know my eating is going to be sparatic. Also, the suggestions of nuts, etc. are good. If you like avocado it is a great good fat to get in - I love it with a bit of hot sauce on it. Good luck!
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Zone bars do it for me ...they are like 180 cals -200 ..and yummy !
  • pitapieface
    I am having the same problem. I have also realized that even if I do snack during the day, I go over the protien... And I read that protien breaks down into sugar if you eat too much...

    Add me too please, I do not know how to add people...

  • jonise1969
    I am with you on the not eating enough calories. I really do think I am eating enough not to go into starvation mode. I do like the cheese and cracker or the 100 calorie almond packages suggestions, will have to keep adapting.
    I love the friends for accountability....thanks to all!!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Nuts are calorie dense, good for you, and taste good. Having said that, I :love: peanut butter. I get in an extra serving of veggies by eating peanut butter and celery. To make sure I don't over do it on peanut butter (EASY TO DO!!!), I usually measure it out into a small container and dip my celery in it. I also use it as a spread on rice cakes, or just on a spoon!:laugh: Almond butter, hazelnut spread, or any other nut butters will be similar. I also have discovered (and ADORE:heart:) Peanut Butter & Co.'s flavored peanut butters. Dark Chocolate Dreams, White Chocolate Wonderful. Oh YUMMM!!! Good stuff.

    I also hear that hummus is good, though I've not gotten the guts to try it yet.

    Keep going and you'll get there!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    There is no evidence that eating at night is any worse for you than eating at any other time. The reason why it is usually not encouraged is because a lot of times, late night snacking causes people to binge and overeat, since they don't plan on a late night snack.

    In your case, since you are not getting enough calories, it is definitely better for you to be eating at night than not eating the calories.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Since the beginning I've eaten 400-500 calories around 9:00 PM almost every night. If you're hungry and have the calories left over for it, do it. I promise it won't stop you.

    Now, I'm off to have a nice low carb tortilla wrap and maybe a protein shake depending on how I feel after that. :-)
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    I am having the same problem. I have also realized that even if I do snack during the day, I go over the protien... And I read that protien breaks down into sugar if you eat too much...

    Add me too please, I do not know how to add people...


    Just the opposite actually. Carbs break down to sugar, protein can be broken down to carbs, but it's a process that the body has to go through to get em there and yada yada yada, Too much protein can be hard on your liver, but that's at like triple the MFP default setting.
  • 951heather
    951heather Posts: 75 Member
    I wish I had that problem. When I was pregnant with my daughter I had Gestational Diabetes. I was put on a special Diabetic Diet and had to eat every few hours to regulate my blood sugar. Eight years later, I am still used to eating every few hours. I have heard that it is good to have 5 small meals a day or 3 meals and two snacks. Try to carry snacks with you. You might even want to plan on eating every three hours or so if you have to.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    For me, when I am running a deficit, I pay less attention to whether I go over on fat or sugar and more attention to whether I am getting enough protein, fiber, iron, calcium, vitamin A & C and other important vitamins and minerals.

    If you friend me, look at my eating diary and you will see that almost every day I am well over my goals for nutrients... even when I am running a deficit.

    I do eat plenty at night because I have the time to sit down and figure out where I need to supplement my nutrients. Sugar isn't an issue for me as long as the sugars I am ingesting are low glycemic (high fiber fruit or agave syrup with my tea).

    The truth is, I do eat about an hour before bed (something some people say you should not do) because I need to give my body enough fuel to make it through the night.

    But when I was looking to cut weight significantly (unlike now, where I am looking to gain muscle weight) I was carrying a 700 calorie deficit regularly. However, my nutrients were always way over the minimum requirements.

    I found that a burst of a couple of weeks of large deficits combined with a couple of weeks of low or no deficits, and then back again, kept my body guessing and burning off fat quickly.

    Right now, I am at a body fat percentage that doesn't allow for large deficits for more than a couple of days. So if necessary, I eat quite a bit before I go to bed.

    Go with what feels right for you.
  • cc_campbell81
    It's better to meet your minimum calories and go a little over on categories. Even going over a little on calories is okay. A nutritionist explained to me that women shouldn't eat less than 1200. It can do all kinds of bad things. Some categories are just hard to stay under. Don't stress about the details look at the big picture. If you are eating well balanced meals and exercising you will lose. For instance for me sugar is usually a category I go over on. It's because I eat a lot of fruits. I researched it and the sugar recommendation applies to added sugar like that in soda and sweets not necessarily fruit. So don't worry so much about going over in a category.
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    I am having the same problem. I have also realized that even if I do snack during the day, I go over the protien... And I read that protien breaks down into sugar if you eat too much...

    Add me too please, I do not know how to add people...


    I don't know why, but MFP sets protein pretty low. Don't worry if you're going over on protein, unless it's by a whole lot for most days. I usually go at least some over. As for calories leftover....sometimes, I find that it's easier to drink calories than to eat them when you're just trying to get enough in. 2 cups of milk is close to 200 calories. If you need more, add a scoop of protein powder. Yummy. I've found that the poweder mixes in a lot better if you let the milk warm up just a little bit.
  • lukasmac
    lukasmac Posts: 216 Member
    rule of thumb, eat before 8 pm unless you plan to work out after you eat a later meal