Addicted to exercise!

Ok, that's a slight exaggeration :laugh: But I seem to have suddenly developed a real taste for working out! I used to be someone who did virtually no exercise (though I have been walking for 30 minutes a day for the past few months) but after completing a 6 week yoga course (1 1/2 hours a week) I joined my local gym 3 days ago and since then I've done 1 aerobics class, 1 yoga class, and today I found myself jogging in front of the TV (I had planned to go for a walk but it was raining).

I'm going away for a few days tomorrow and am already planning my exercise (30 minute brisk walk each day) and feel a bit disappointed I can't do another class at my gym. I don't know what has happened to me! I was a very lazy child and would do anything to get out of gym class, and have carried that attitude through most of my adult life. I think it's partly because I discovered this site and realised I could eat more if I exercised! I'm also feeling really excited at the thought of getting fit and toning up my body, I feel like I may finally be able to get the body I want.

Has anyone else experienced this sudden desire for physical activity? And if so, did the novelty wear off or did you keep it up? I would love to hear all your comments!


  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    Ok, that's a slight exaggeration :laugh: But I seem to have suddenly developed a real taste for working out! I used to be someone who did virtually no exercise (though I have been walking for 30 minutes a day for the past few months) but after completing a 6 week yoga course (1 1/2 hours a week) I joined my local gym 3 days ago and since then I've done 1 aerobics class, 1 yoga class, and today I found myself jogging in front of the TV (I had planned to go for a walk but it was raining).

    I'm going away for a few days tomorrow and am already planning my exercise (30 minute brisk walk each day) and feel a bit disappointed I can't do another class at my gym. I don't know what has happened to me! I was a very lazy child and would do anything to get out of gym class, and have carried that attitude through most of my adult life. I think it's partly because I discovered this site and realised I could eat more if I exercised! I'm also feeling really excited at the thought of getting fit and toning up my body, I feel like I may finally be able to get the body I want.

    Has anyone else experienced this sudden desire for physical activity? And if so, did the novelty wear off or did you keep it up? I would love to hear all your comments!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Well, I've been at it almost 2 months and find myself wanting to ride my bike further and further. I push myself a little harder each time, trying to beat my last time I did the same route, etc. My husband said he won't go on my long rides with me anymore because he just wants to "enjoy" the ride but i want to push and beat my times! :tongue:

    I find it so much more enjoyable then the first month--there were times the first few weeks when I'd be struggling to go 5 miles and think "what the heck am I doing this for?" Now, I'm excited each time I go out and can go a little further and a little further. Today, I did 15.5 miles in 76 minutes! That's a personal best so far!
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    YES! I know exactly what you are talking about!!! When I first joined MFP I started on my treadmill...and 20 minutes was pushing it in the begining.. But this month I have really stepped it up a knotch and stay on between 45-60 minutes!! I have only missed one day ( yesterday..due to being at a BBQ all day/night) of working out since the begining of the month . Isn't it a great feeling though? I legs just want to GO! I love it! What a difference from when we first started huh?
  • turtle
    turtle Posts: 49
    When I first joined the gym I was the same way. After a few months of going nearly every day I started to burn out.I've taken the past month off of going to the gym and just started working out at home and just generally being more active. Its always great to have options so burnout won't be an issue. Good luck!
  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    Well I don't think I'll go every day, I'm on a pay as you go scheme so can't really afford to go more than twice a week, nor will I have the time once things start getting busier with work and part time study. I think twice a week will probably be my limit most weeks, though I'll keep up the daily walking too (so I don't starve from lack of calories!).

    It's good to know you've all continued to exercise, I know what I'm like, I get excited about something, then the novelty wears off and I stop doing it. There are plenty of different classes at my gym to choose from (I want to try them all!) so I don't think I'll get bored, and it's easy to get there from work and home.
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    i can't wait till i am you :(
  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    i can't wait till i am you :(

    Do you mean me?! Honestly, I'm not special, in fact I don't know how long I will feel like this! I'm motivated now but whether I will feel the same way next week is another matter! :laugh: **crosses fingers**
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. Ever since I've been on this website I've exercised so much more than usual. For me it's because without the exercise my calorie allotment just doesn't seem like enough. I used to be lucky if I could get myself to work out three times a week, but now I do something active every day. For me it's lasted 2 and 1/2 months and still going strong.
  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. Ever since I've been on this website I've exercised so much more than usual. For me it's because without the exercise my calorie allotment just doesn't seem like enough. I used to be lucky if I could get myself to work out three times a week, but now I do something active every day. For me it's lasted 2 and 1/2 months and still going strong.

    Same here, I was horrified when the site said I could only have 1200 calories! Today is the only day I've been able to stay within my limit (and I had to exercise to get the extra cals!), so exercise really is a must for me. I love my food :tongue:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    For me I started feeling that way after I set a goal and reached it with exercise. After that first time, I wanted to start pushing myself to see how far my body could take me.