
I started using this site at the beginning of the week but haven`t really explored the features. Tonight I started reading some posts and felt inspired to post as well!

My name is Liz and I am a 27 year old mother. I have been wanting to lose weight for many years but never really did anything about it. I have decided that now is the time!

So far in my journey I have lost 10 lbs and my BMI has changed from Obese to Overweight. I am watching what I eat and exercising, but I know myself well enough to seek support from others in the same boat. One of my biggest motivations is being healthy for my 5 year old son and passing on healthy habits.

That seems like a sufficient introduction. So, good luck to everyone else in reaching your goals!


  • sweetmelissa57
    sweetmelissa57 Posts: 9 Member
    My name is Melissa and I am the mother of 5. I am scared of death and have become very unhealthy. Food is my herroine and I am trying to fight this battle. I have lost 15 so far and 6 inches off my waist but my hope is to lose 100 and I have a long way to go!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    welcome everybody. if you need friends im here. this site is awesome and the tools and the people especially are very encouraging and helpful, and also, whenever i feel a craving coming on, i come on here and somebody usually talks me down :laugh: good luck to you.
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    hi Liz!

    I am Andrea and I am just over the obese marker :( BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... LOL I can't wait until I venture into Overweight and then... dun, dun NORMAL! I just started as my New Years resolution. I used to use this site a lot and then just stopped and I am finally ready to take control of my life!

    Welcome to MFP!
