On the news Today - Our kids will never know....



  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    Kids born this year will never know the feeling of freedom and safety we knew.
    When i was 8, i was allowed to go so far away, my father had to whistle or use a air horn to get us in for dinner. We had 10 minutes from the time the call was sent out to get home; which means we could go ten minutes from home on our bikes (a kid can get pretty far away in ten full minutes). So long as we did not cross the highway, we were good to go.
    Now, kids have to have someone watching them at every moment. They can't even go a block away without parents panicking that they may be kidnapped or something. And unfortunately, they have reason to worry.

    This is so true. I was out on my bike from friends to friends all day and only came home at dusk ready for dinner. The town I grew up in was smallish, so everyone knew everyone else and it was like one big family. It is sooo sad that this day and age we can't let our children out by themselves to become responsible for themselves.......

    A person I know wont let her 13yr old boy ride his bike to school even though he only lives up the road and he wouldn't even need to cross the road to get to the school. She insists on driving him and then walks him to his class. He is an only child and is now starting to get bullied (wonder why!). She is a lovely lady but needs to let go of the apron strings just a tad.
  • sweetiekayk

    The Beloit College puts this list out every year so staff can better understand the incoming freshman class. This years list is mostly referring to those born in 1992. It's crazy. I'm interested in what it's going to list for the babies born this year.
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    Hey, can we still get those games where you have see-through plastic with pictures on it and you rubbed it over a picture of a scene? I remember those from my childhood but don't see them around anymore. Also paper dolls.

    I remember trying to tape a song from one tape to another and I had to put two tape recorders facing each other and on the count of 3 I would play on one and record on the other!! Had a few songs with me yelling for mum cos my brothers wouldn't shut up! LOL.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Captain Kangaroo. Now there was a show!
  • larousse_37
    eight track tapes, wood burning stoves, metal roller skates that attach to shoes, webble wobble toys. oh and mr. bill cartoon.
    i agree it's sad... oh i forgot one more .. fist fights ... because it is just too easy for them to bring guns to school.

    Wow... your post intrigued me, as we do not have guns here. At all. Kids still have to have punch ups (a certain lot carry knives though, so I suppose that reiterates the same point)

    The metal roller skates!!! My sister shattered her wrist on those because they were so dangerous haha...

    Our kids will never know manners! It never ceases to amaze me the amount of kids I see who are obnoxious, rude or selfish, and usually have enabling parents who don't understand how to discipline them.

    Playing outdoors
    Leaving the house without a mobile phone
    Ringing up friends or going over to their house to say hello - everyone just texts of facebooks

    There's many more I could add in but I just woke up and the brain hasn't totally started functioning just yet.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Howdy Doody
    Charlie Chaplin
    They will watch the colorized classic B/W movies
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    Wow...this thread got serious fast!!!!!!!

    Let's see...my kids will never know:

    Airplane food.
    Having a candy store IN their school.
    Riding in the front seat of a car (illegal til 13 here) as a kid.
    That gas was under $1.00 at one point.
    Candy cigarettes.
    Get a taste of a parent's drink.
    They'll never experience having grandparents waiting at the gate to greet you. And by connection, they'll never know that we didn't have to take off shoes, strip, etc at security lines.

    As a side note (back to the serious), my daughter has had to worry about something I didn't. She was freaking out last airplane trip because she thought "the security man is going to see me (her) naked...I don't want him to touch me!!" She was also freaking out because she thought they were going to take pictures of her "without my (her) clothes on, which isn't right."

    A 9 year old shouldn't be freaking out that a man is going to "touch her" or strangers taking "naked pictures" so she can go see her grandparents. (and yes, I reassured her I wouldn't allow any of these to happen)
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    cursive writing
    who came up with that crap any way?
    cold weather, the way we are going.

    Please don't say "Global Warming" in my company!!! I moved to FL from PA to get away from the weather we have had the last two winters. Since '94 I have NEVER needed my heat to run more than a few days all winter and maybe ten nights all winter. The past two winters I haven't needed the AC all winter long.

    One thing the kids today will never know is HONESTY IN THE MEDIA!!! The "fourth estate" was given the First Amendment to keep the Government in check by TELLING US THE TRUTH!!! Even the schools and colleges are not telling them the whole story or have completely changed "history" in the history books.

    I agree with you. I know you are loving the FL weather. I'm from Florida but live in NC now and I'm so tired of the cold weather. We keep getting hit with one snow storm after another. Not a fan at all! I miss FL so much and we're planning a move back. FL does have some very hot days but for most of the year, it's almost perfect!

    I wonder if kids today will even cook meals in the future. Everyone is on the go and people are busier than ever. Most families have little time to sit at a table for dinner together so they eat out or order for delivery. Another thing I notice is how families don't seem to communicate with each other much. Everyone has a cell phone and is texting someone or updating their twitter status or FB page instead of having quality time and conversation with the person in front of them.