hey everyone - im from Singapore, and am trying to lose weig

So I just found out about this website not too long ago and wanted to try it out since my mum said that calorie counting works for her. Whatever. I was really slim like two years ago and suddenly i just put on like 10 kg or something and haven't grown much taller either. Alright guys, i confess- i am actually 14. :) And i was hoping someone can help give me more advice on slimming down, it is really hard to control!!!


  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    I'm in Japan!

    Learn to log everything you eat, be honest, and you will see how many calories you are actually eating.
    Also learn to eat real food, not the over processed stuff that comes in a cardboard box or foil bag, eat real food, not too much, mostly plants!

    Again, welcome!:happy:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    You know--at 14 you will put on weight because you are going to grow. Don't go too low on your calories and make sure you get healthy amounts of exercise most days and just let your body grow, okay?
    Healthy choices and drink your water, too!
  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29

    As mentioned above, just be aware that at your age you will control of your weight. It’s worth checking your BMI (under the tools tab) to check whether you are at an unhealthy level – it might just be the amount you would expect to put on as you get woman bits :) If you are only in the overweight bit by a small amount I wouldn’t recommend dieting as you probably just need your height to catch up with you. When I was younger I only started putting on weight after I started to diet against natural body growth – it messes with the way you eat food and can make it more likely you will still be dieting years from now.

    Is that you in your picture? Because if so you look FINE for your age and I would say don’t diet, just focus on eating healthy and being active, getting exercise.

    (one more thing – best to avoid telling people you are 14. There are some weird people in the world)
  • melissalina123
    wow im so proud of you! my aim is to be 35kg - thats 50 pounds from my weight - and you lost 60 pounds! you are a real inspiration, i will keep that in mind thnks!
  • melissalina123
    yeah so hey guys - im that girl in the picture with the blue nightgown lol but that was me - 7 kg ago!!! my bmi is 24... the girls at school say im fat... and ive only got a couple of loyal friends... the school report says im "obese'' for the average of my school which is : 17 - 19. the "biggest" girl in my level is 87kg(she told me) and she tells me not to worry... but, i do ballet and am going en pointe soon... my teacher told me i have to lose 8 pounds more if she's going to allow me en pointe... this is real insult... i need a ballet body because there's a concert coming up soon!!! i need help with these things:
    1) i have stretch marks on my thighs and arms(quite obvious on my thighs)
    2) i have been "fat" for 3 years - is this normal for a girl my age?
    3)my father is 1.62 and my mother 1.67 but my mum tells me that genetics play a smallpart but if you jump rope and stuff you will grow taller. is this true?
  • melissalina123
    hello again, as mentioned earlier in my posts, im a ballet dancer. i want to know whats the suitable maximum BMI for ballet dancers. BTW, my BMI is 23.7 :(
  • Reiral
    Reiral Posts: 20
    Hello! I'm from Singapore too! My final year project is on weight management. BMI of 25 is overweight for Western countries but sad to say a BMI of over 23 is overweight for Asians like us. An acceptable and good range for your age should be 19 to 22 I guess. You are still so young so I'm sure you will pull off the weight easily and just abit will do! =) It's stressing that students your age are all so skinny. i've always seen sec school students like you and they are so skinny. Good luck!