Newbie so be easy!

I foung the MFP app while searching for diet apps from my iPhone.. And actually didn't like it at first cause I thought it only calculated calories.. Until I went to another app.. hated it.. Decided to suck it up and figured counting calories was better than nothing.. When.. what's that I see? Ahh, a nutrition tab, to calculate all my other no~no's!!! :tongue:

I told a co-worker to download it cause I thought it was amazing.. and she was immediately addicted as well!! And then she passed it on.. And then I posted it on my facebook.. And others added it and became addicted.. and friends that hadn't shared their wealth of knowledge added me.. And so the domino effect starts!!!

I'm super excited on working on getting this baby fat off... Especially seeing as I hadn't finished losing from my previous one.. They are only 11 months apart. :wink: And having co-workers to motivate and push each other in regards to diet, and exercise.. including late night stair climbs.. and sharing eating habits and ideas, is an awesome advantage!!


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    6 degrees of separation...spooky! lol

    Welcome! I would have told you a year ago I would NEVER be on a site like this - I'd always been adamant I couldn't/wouldn't "count calories". When I logged in the first time, I didn't even intend to use it for that, I just wanted a place to keep track of exercise. Now I'm so grateful I've been proven wrong!

    The tools are great and the people are even better. Good luck with your goals and stay strong!
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    careful people on here are JERKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    nah jk jk .. the community is actually very positive and supportive :)
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    I've lost weight from my older children just from eating better.. But managed to gain it back when my mom became terminally ill... Then two babies later... Well, enough said.. But now having this.. And knowing exactly how much I'm eating (even though I haven't managed to reach my target calories yet).. :( It just makes it so much easier to stay motivated.. Especially seeing the calories burned in my exercise. Hubby wants to know if there is a spot to calculate the calories burned from constanty adding info into my app and reading forums! ;-P

    Thanks for the welcome!!! (And surely not EVERYBODY'S a jerk!) ;-)P