Stuck in my 'lunch box' and need some lunch ideas, please!

I can't seem to think outside of the box of the "sandwich/potato chips/pickles" lunch that I have had my whole life. :grumble: I have managed to eliminate the chips (as much as I MISS THEM!) and would like to start steering away from the bread as well. Any ideas of what I can have for lunch that doesn't include a sandwich, bread or wrap?


  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    Hot shredded chicken, cherry tomatoes, lettuce, salad onion :)
    really yum! and if you cant manage to go without bread or cheese put croutons or a few cubes in!

    leftovers are always good too! especially if we have chicken pasta and salad for dinner because I eat that for lunch and just have chicken and salad for dinner! that way your body has time to work it off.....

    hope that helps.... a bit lol
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    How about grilled chicken breasts with cous cous and roasted vegetables? You can make a big batch and just make yourself a lunch box the next day!

    Grilled Chicken: I buy chicken breasts (skinless and boneless) and I divide them into 100gram each. I then marinate them in soy sauce, mirin (Japanese rice vinegar, you can find it in any shop) and some honey (instead of sugar..). I'd add some chili pepper or chili powder to give it a bit of a kick. I normally add cayenne pepper as it's suppose to boost your metabolism. I marinate them in a tupperware and grill them using a small amount of rapeseed oil or olive oil when I need them.

    Cous cous: I use wholewheat cous cous and it is the easiest thing to make. Cup of cous cous, hot water, cover for 5 - 10 minutes. Fluff with a fork. With cous cous, you can add any flavour because cous cous will soak in whatever flavour. I normally flavor it with a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar.

    Vegetables: This is the most laboring part. I buy vegetables that are in season so squash, sweet potatoes, etc. I also add cherry tomatoes, red onions, even brocolli and zucchini. Really I just use whatever vegetable I feel like eating. Prep them, cut them to bite pieces. I then toss them in extra virgin olive oil (about 1-2 tbs), salt and pepper, cayenne pepper again (I really like the kick) and in the oven they go! Takes about 30 - 45 minutes to roast. Once they're done, take it out, I toss it into the cous cous. To really treat myself, I add small amount of feta cheese, chop up some parsley and pronto! Cous cous with vegetable! Serve it with the grilled chicken, healthy and filling!!

    Hope this helps!
    XLMKX Posts: 86
    That recipe sound so good!!

  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Bread isn't the enemy.... only certain kinds. Whole wheat is the essential transition if you're still eating white bread. Meat can still be present just make it chicken or turkey(protein). One slice of cheese is cool too. Kickin' the chips to the curb is good but you could try switching to "baked" chips(sun chips) they are an acquired taste. Start eating low fat yogurt and fresh fruit. I saw a list of " negative calorie" food items recently and two that I can think of are pickles and celery. Negative here means your body burns more calories digesting them than they contain. Another one is grapefruit. Important thing to remember is to ALWAYS have some protein with EVERY meal and keep sugar low, even the natural kind in fruit. This combo keeps the insulin from spiking to process the sugar in the blood which leads to a "crash" later and then you want a candy bar or something. I hope this helps a little.
  • Tammie37
    Tammie37 Posts: 4 Member
    Really great ideas and feedback, thank you so much! It's all helpful.
  • hayleywilliams
    I am having simular problems, i also finding it hard to be organised enough to have it ready, if i dont i end up buying a sandwich which is not good.

    I have been having soups alot, and find they are more filling than i thought! wholemeal pita bread is good to go with it. i have just brough a blender and going to make my own sups, i like chucks in my soups as i feel they are more filling!

    i also have various salads - i tend to change a few things each day to to avoid getting bored. i just have basics like

    lettuce, cherry tomamots, cucumber, beetroot (i love it), celery, and i have been mixing with either, bolied egg, avacardo, prawns, ham, turkey.

    I have only given up bread for 5 days and already noticed the differnce!

    good luck

  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I am having simular problems, i also finding it hard to be organised enough to have it ready, if i dont i end up buying a sandwich which is not good.

    I have been having soups alot, and find they are more filling than i thought! wholemeal pita bread is good to go with it. i have just brough a blender and going to make my own sups, i like chucks in my soups as i feel they are more filling!

    i also have various salads - i tend to change a few things each day to to avoid getting bored. i just have basics like

    lettuce, cherry tomamots, cucumber, beetroot (i love it), celery, and i have been mixing with either, bolied egg, avacardo, prawns, ham, turkey.

    I have only given up bread for 5 days and already noticed the differnce!

    good luck


    Salads are better for meals later in the day. Lunch should be about the biggest calorie count (through carbs and protein) meal for the day when you need the fuel for your body and the brain function.
  • hayleywilliams
    yeah I do agree runningneo122.
    one of my many bad habits is not eating breakfast, small lunch and then a big dinner. Guess its allab out changing habits!
  • CarlaAnn15
    CarlaAnn15 Posts: 55 Member
    I take salads, or buy flat bagels or bread (100 - 110 Calories) and either have tuna with light mayo or chicken breast with light mayo. The canned chicken will give me 4 meals. Quaker valley granola bars (100 calories), Light String Cheese, pickles (Free Food except for the sodium), apple, orange, veggies and hummus... oh so many options!!

    Good Luck to you!!

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