Green Tea

Hi all, does anyone know if Green Tea has dieting properties before I invest in buying some? It is supposed to be good for people who are losing weight, and so are some sort of berries, but with so much conflicting advice on the net, is this just a fad?


  • Kerry5524
    Kerry5524 Posts: 6 Member
    Green Tea is brilliant, full of antioxidents and the Acai berry
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    You should get some anyway. It's tasty and it is good for you.
  • Jaypea15
    Jaypea15 Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you both :)
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Yea, and there are other qualities but regular tea is ok too. Overall, keep caffeine to a minimum once you lower your intake and you'll feel it when you need a boost B4 doing cardio for example. Caffeine is a diuretic(makes you pass water).
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I've heard that it is supposed to be thermogenic and can help raise your metabolism...but regardless of that, it tastes really good and has healthy stuff in it as stated above. It's actually what helped me ween off Coke and Mello Yello.
  • Jaypea15
    Jaypea15 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks :)
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I've heard that it is supposed to be thermogenic and can help raise your metabolism...but regardless of that, it tastes really good and has healthy stuff in it as stated above. It's actually what helped me ween off Coke and Mello Yello.

    True Dat

    Get off the carbonated drinks also.... once you hit mid-thirties, it thins your bones. Resistance training helps to counter this but I don't bother with it. Too much also has other side effects like kidney stones and liver damage. It gives me indigestion(heartburn) as well. I just had a Baja Blast(favorite) last night and knew better than to drink more than half of the 20 oz. It kept me up a little past bedtime anyway. That was my once a month "cheat" .
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I drink Green Matcha Tea (it comes in a powder which is whisked into hot water instead of a tea bag). It is supposed to have the highest content of antioxidants for any consumable known. The EGCG content alone has been found by one study to be 137 times greater per serving than other commercial green teas. This is because you are ingesting the whole leaf powdered and not just the the leaf steeped in hot water.

    As well, the caffeine in Matcha releases at a much slower rate than with coffee or black tea (or soda) because the caffeine attaches to the catechins (types of antioxidents) and is only released as these are broken down by the body. It doesn't spike... it slowly ramps up and maintains a higher base line of metabolism (but not as high as coffee), then slowly eases down over a longer span of time.

    Also, Matcha contains L-theanine which helps with mental clarity and Chlorophyll which has antibacterial properties as well as helping to eliminate heavy metals and other toxins from the body.

    I've done enough research about green tea (Matcha in particular) to be convinced of its health properties. As such, I consume it daily along with cinnamon and raw cocoa.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I drink Green Matcha Tea (it comes in a powder which is whisked into hot water instead of a tea bag). It is supposed to have the highest content of antioxidants for any consumable known. The EGCG content alone has been found by one study to be 137 times greater per serving than other commercial green teas. This is because you are ingesting the whole leaf powdered and not just the the leaf steeped in hot water.

    As well, the caffeine in Matcha releases at a much slower rate than with coffee or black tea (or soda) because the caffeine attaches to the catechins (types of antioxidents) and is only released as these are broken down by the body. It doesn't spike... it slowly ramps up and maintains a higher base line of metabolism (but not as high as coffee), then slowly eases down over a longer span of time.

    Also, Matcha contains L-theanine which helps with mental clarity and Chlorophyll which has antibacterial properties as well as helping to eliminate heavy metals and other toxins from the body.

    I've done enough research about green tea (Matcha in particular) to be convinced of its health properties. As such, I consume it daily along with cinnamon and raw cocoa.

    That's AWWWESOME!! Got a link for a purchase outlet? I will start adding more cinnamon and cocoa as well....TY for that info.
  • Jaypea15
    Jaypea15 Posts: 71 Member
    Wow, you guys are so knowledgable! Thanks :)
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    That's AWWWESOME!! Got a link for a purchase outlet? I will start adding more cinnamon and cocoa as well....TY for that info.

    Note that I only purchase Organic and my tea quality must be high grade (higher antioxidant levels and less chance of contamination).

    Believe it or not, Wholefoods has a very reasonably priced organic Matcha. 100 grams for $24.

    You can also get it in bulk here:

    This would save you about 40% over purchasing the 100g tins.

    You will also want to pick up a whisk for blending the tea into the water and preventing clumps:

    Here is an affordable source for Organic Cinnamon in bulk:

    And for Organic Cocoa Powder:

    Vitamin B-12:

    Meghan Magical Lifting Mix: 3 Tablespoons Raw Cocoa, 1 Teaspoon Cinnamon, 1 Teaspoon Match powder, 1 droplet of Vitamin B-12 and sweetened with either Stevia or Agave Syrup.
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    Wow, I've learned so much from this website (the people on it) and i've only known about it for 4 days!! I've read your links also and will be chucking out the instant coffee and buying in some green tea powder. I just hope i like the taste as much as everyone else seems to, i'm not keen on herbal teas and can't stand the fruity ones.

    Not sure how but i messed up your quote (sorry)

    I drink Green Matcha Tea (it comes in a powder which is whisked into hot water instead of a tea bag). It is supposed to have the highest content of antioxidants for any consumable known. The EGCG content alone has been found by one study to be 137 times greater per serving than other commercial green teas. This is because you are ingesting the whole leaf powdered and not just the the leaf steeped in hot water.

    As well, the caffeine in Matcha releases at a much slower rate than with coffee or black tea (or soda) because the caffeine attaches to the catechins (types of antioxidents) and is only released as these are broken down by the body. It doesn't spike... it slowly ramps up and maintains a higher base line of metabolism (but not as high as coffee), then slowly eases down over a longer span of time.

    Also, Matcha contains L-theanine which helps with mental clarity and Chlorophyll which has antibacterial properties as well as helping to eliminate heavy metals and other toxins from the body.

    I've done enough research about green tea (Matcha in particular) to be convinced of its health properties. As such, I consume it daily along with cinnamon and raw cocoa.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Wow, I've learned so much from this website (the people on it) and i've only known about it for 4 days!! I've read your links also and will be chucking out the instant coffee and buying in some green tea powder. I just hope i like the taste as much as everyone else seems to, i'm not keen on herbal teas and can't stand the fruity ones.

    Matcha can be a little bitter. This is another reason to add cinnamon and cocoa... other than the fact that cinnamon is a very good blood sugar regulator and cocoa is also very high in antioxidants as well as fiber and iron.

    Sweeten to taste with either Stevia (an all natural 0 calorie sweetener) or with Agave Syrup (an all natural low glycemic sweetener).

    One thing... this drink will give you a buzz if you add the Vitamin B... I get a solid 5 hours of elevated BMR out of it. So don't drink it before bed.
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    Great advice, thankyou Meghan :happy: