
i've been doing this since dec 3. here it is jan 8 and my weight is fluctuating between 3 to maybe 1 lb lost. i admit i have days i don't do so well and for some odd reason this time of the month i craved. however i can handle to food its the exercising. i don't really have much space to do it and i can't join a gym and its too cold outside. please help find an answer. i don't want to lose too fast but im so ready to lose.


  • o2blori
    o2blori Posts: 168 Member
    Hey, sorry to hear about your frustration. I'm not sure what types of workouts you're doing, but there are tons of workout dvd's around. I started with Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown and 30 day shred. Then moved on to Turbo Jam, which is still my favorite. And now I'm doing Turbo Fire. I did these all in my bedroom. Not a lot of room.

    Hopefully you'll find something that works for you. I'm here for ya if you'd like to talk.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    believe it or not, exercising at home does not require a lot of space. A great DVD and just being in front of your TV with a few steps to move around (just a few, seriously, not a whole room). Get rid of your coffee table if you have to. It is the key in wanting to make a change. You cannot do one without the other. If you are going to work hard to change by changing your eating habits, then you may as well exercise too. Hold yourself accountable on days that you blow it in your food diary and make yourself exercise more on those days. Once you start and you get that awesome feeling of accomplishment after doing a DVD, you will want to repeat it more often. I would love to suggest any Beachbody exercise DVD or Zumba. So much fun and so worth the money. Good Luck!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Agree with O2biori----Turbo Fire and Turbo Jam are both Beachbody DVDs and do not require a lot of space - - best money ever spent! I just started ChaLean Extreme ---LOVE IT!
  • AJs_mom
    AJs_mom Posts: 64 Member
    I had that problem a few years ago. I went to a local library and found a fitness walking dvd by Leslie Sansone (or Sanzone). It looked cheesy, but I was desprite for an affordable workout I could do at home and a small area. It was great. I had actually looked to buy a couple of them, but decided just to stick to the free library one until spring when I could get outside. It gets you moving and you do sweat! She does a "1km" and a "5km", so you can also gear it to how much time you have.

    Hope this helps!

    Good luck!
  • MayaPapaya64
    Get a few exercise DVDs that sound cool and do them in front of the TV. They don't require much if any space. Or, bundle up and get outside. I exercise outside almost every day (running or walking), and once you get out there you will warm up (and where I live is freezing). Also, depending on where you live, some cities or areas offer free or discounted do some employers...might be worth a google search.

    You can do it!!!