New (to MFP)

Happy New Year everyone!! How is everyone doing with their resolutions so far? I am doing good, haven't broken any of them including the diet and fitness. I am a former Lose it customer. I have to admit, I did like the program. There were always a few things I didn't like but just lived with them. I found MFP recently and love it.
I am going to use MFP to help me monitor the diet program I am going to use which is a high low plan. I find my normal suggested daily calorie intake for my activity level and subtract 600 calories from that. That is my base for my "high" days, my low days I subtract an additional 300 from that. Any exercise or activity gets added to the daily base line and gives you "more" calories for the day and thus incentive to work out EVERYDAY. This works on a two week cycle. Starting the first week on monday it is a low day and you alternate low/high the first week. The second week starting on monday, you go high, high, low, low. The best part is on that Friday you start a cheat weekend. Three days to eat and drink what ever you want. Try not to go crazy but enjoy yourself. Then on Monday you are on your low day and starting over. I have lost almost 3 pounds so far this week alone.
Good luck to everyone and I hope whatever your plan is works for you.