New to MFP

Well, I don't know where to start. I've been big my whole life. I'm 193 cm (6'4" for you Americans) and approximately 140 kg (about 310 pounds). I don't know my actual weight right now, as my scale broke when I moved here from Thailand. I know, convenient excuse. But it's true. But now that I've found MFP, I'm working on getting it fixed. All I need is a simple 9V battery terminal, but I don't have (easy) access to a Radio Shack down the street to get the part. But I'll get there, and report my actual weight when I find out.

I am originally from Seattle, Washington but now live in Bucharest, Romania. I enjoy hiking in the local mountains, which are very beautiful.

My goal is to get down to 220 pounds, which is still considered overweight by the BMI scale. But given that I have a very large frame, I think 220 will be a good weight to be at. I haven't weighed 220 since my sophomore year in HS.

The reason for my goal is I want to climb Mt. Rainier in the summer of 2012 with my sister. I have always wanted to climb Rainier, and this is a great time to get back in shape. I've always been a weekend athlete playing just about any sport that comes around. But since HS, I've only had one extended period where I was in shape. Then I got married and my priorities shifted. So now, with the support of my wonderful wife, I'm back in fitness mode and wanting to be more than just a weekend warrior.

I use MFP on my phone to track Calories, and it's been great. I don't meet my goal every day, but it really allows me to keep track of things, even when they start to get out of hand. I look forward to great things in 2011, and know that MFP will be a big part of all of that.




  • NatalieBrooke88
    NatalieBrooke88 Posts: 240 Member
    Awesome! You will do great!! I love this site, and it will become your best friend as well.

    As for your scale, you can literally go to walmart, target, etc and get one for around 20 dollars. Also, if you look for discount electronics stores in your area you can find one for even cheaper :)
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on making the commitment. Don't fret about the scale, that's just a number. If you're living healthy, the weight will come off. Get it fixed when you can and until then, just focus on using MFP. It has great tools and wonderful people to help you stay on the right path.

    You can do this!
  • Huskychemist
    Huskychemist Posts: 75 Member
    Well, no Walmarts here in Bucharest. But after 30 minutes of walking down a street downtown suggested by a friend, using the camera phone with a picture of what I wanted and Google translate to help with the language, I found the piece I needed to fix my scale. Woohoo!

    My initial estimation was pretty close. I now weight 142.3 kg. I estimate I started MFP at 143 kg, as I know I've lost a pound or two.

    So I'm back in business with the scale. But I am not one of those that weighs himself every day. I only do weigh-ins once per week, on Saturday mornings before breakfast.

    Now it's time to workout. Have a great Saturday, everybody. And thanks for the encouragement.