Cute Love Stories

MrsMills712 Posts: 350
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
This past week my husband and I found out that 2 different sets of our mutual friends are getting divorced. Both of us have had several of our separate friends break-up too. Sometimes it feels like everyone around us is crumbling down. I just thought it'd be nice to have a thread that reminded us of the joys of love. Little stories to make us go, "Awwwww"

It could be something big, or something small.
My favorites are just the little reminders in our everyday routines that tell us that we are loved.

Share away! :)


  • I met my husband on facebook...he was gonna brush me off...and when I found out he was younger than me I was about to brush HIM off...but something made me interested. So glad I kept with it, he's my best friend and my life partner. He's really great, I truly lucked out!

    We only "met" twice before we decided to get married...we just knew...and there was a whole lot of distance between us, him in the US and me in really it was either get married or don't but something had to change and long distance relationships can only last so long...we made the right decision...he moved to Canada to marry me. His family couldn't afford to come to the wedding. He thought nobody from his side would be there but little did he know his mom and I were scheming to get her here the day before the wedding. The day came and I had him and my mom in the car...then my mom and I said we had to go get my "uncle" from the airport...well we went to the airport and my husband came in with me...he went to the bathroom and his mom just came through customs and sat beside me on the bench..we were talking and my husband came out the bathroom and his mouth dropped when he saw who was beside me! So cute, he looked so confused, he hugged her so tight and his mom got to walk him down the aisle/steps around a waterfall to stand in wait for me to be escorted by my dad on the other side of the aisle/steps around the waterfall...and everybody there said the clouds parted and the sun came shining down just at that moment.

    We got married on our one year anniversary...and in a couple days we will have been married for 7 months...I love him more everyday!!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Everytime my husband leaves for work, he leaves me a note on my pillow telling me to sleep well, relax, remember to take time for myself and thanking me for being a great mother, etc.

    He did this one time and after that I'd always go running to my room at the end of the night to see if he left one. when he didnt, i'd get bummed out. I would text him with "no note :("
    he caught on really quick and now every single time he leaves, he leaves me a note. It makes my night.
  • ...and everybody there said the clouds parted and the sun came shining down just at that moment.

    I bet! How exciting! That is awesome. I love surprises :)
  • Everytime my husband leaves for work, he leaves me a note on my pillow telling me to sleep well, relax, remember to take time for myself and thanking me for being a great mother, etc.

    That is so sweet. The first thing to pop into my head was that scene from "The Notebook" where Allie wakes up to her note on the pillow ;) I'm glad your guy caught on. Guys don't realize just how much that little stuff means to us ;)
  • My husband had wanted to date me for a couple of years. We were friends while I was dating another guy. He always told me he was going to wait around because he knew he could make me happier than that guy. When we had gone to my husband's house to hang out one night, he had a picture frame on his desk that had two pictures of me and a fortune he had gotten in a cookie that reads "God will give you your heart's desire." Fast forward 7 years, and he still displays that frame on his desk and tells me how lucky he feels to have had his fortune come true :)
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    Great thread! My hubby and I met in junior high school and hated each other :) We were the tallest and goofiest kids there. In high school we started dating in 10th grade. Dated throughout high school then joined the Air Force a month a part. We got married shortly after and 14 years later, we are happily married with two boys (4 and almost 2) after traveling all over the World together. I can hardly believe it myself :)
  • rwkem
    rwkem Posts: 35
    Everytime my husband leaves for work, he leaves me a note on my pillow telling me to sleep well, relax, remember to take time for myself and thanking me for being a great mother, etc

    My husband works swingshift and when he does his nightshift rotation he leaves me notes on my pillow too..Im like you and love finding always puts a smile on my face. A couple of weeks ago I opened a new tub of butter and he had been in it first to write I LUV U in it! We went through a rough year last year and I think it just brought us closer together!
    We met when I was 3 months preggers with "our" oldest son who is now 15. He never had a 2nd thought about me getting big and was there when we was born and he has my husbands name. Now 3 more kids and almost 16 years later with many ups and downs we are still loving eachother more than ever.
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    My husband was a friend of a friend and lived 2000 miles away. He lost his job and house and moved to my area. At first we hated each other- personalities just clashed.. Too much alike a suppose. Well 7 months later we found ourselves smitten after a chance encounter and we've been married for a couple years now. We have 3 kids and don't always get to go out and spend romantic time together but I'm reminded that he loves me several times a day- like when he changes the poppy diapers for me, when he cooks dinner and puts my plate together first, when he says "you're getting too thin!" When I haven't lost much weight or when I'd be down on myself for gaining weight and he'd tell me "what weight? Youre skin and bones!" Haha.. Or when I don't feel well so he occupies the kids so I can nap... Plus tons of other things. I try to reciprocate so hopefully I'm successful!
  • This morning when I woke up, I had this waiting for me on my desk.

    Legos don't have to just be a kid's toy ;-)
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